Almond Tree~ Beauty will Return

The meaning of almond tree is a symbol of hope, light, and resilience. The almond tree is an inspiring story of hope that beauty will return even out of the harshest times. In Jeremiah 1: 11-12, " The word of the LORD came to me:" What do you see, Jeremiah?" " I see the branch of an almond tree, " I replied. The LORD said to me, " You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled." Due to unforeseen circumstances, I chose a camper to dwell in my brother's backyard. Every effort of trying to maintain a three-bedroom house independently was impossible. I could only take what I would need in the camper. I purchased a small storage unit to hold a couch and a few items. I experienced many storms and seasons naturally and personally. Through these experiences, I had to learn how to reserve energy and water usage. I had to learn how to store and pack a camper. I even learned how to empty my sewage tanks. The time allowed me ...