Almond Tree~ Beauty will Return

  The meaning of almond tree is a symbol of hope, light, and resilience. The almond tree is an inspiring story of hope that beauty will return even out of the harshest times. In Jeremiah 1: 11-12, " The word of the LORD came to me:" What do you see, Jeremiah?" " I see the branch of an almond tree, " I replied. The LORD said to me, " You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled." 
 Due to unforeseen circumstances, I chose a camper to dwell in my brother's backyard. Every effort of trying to maintain a three-bedroom house independently was impossible. I could only take what I would need in the camper. I purchased a small storage unit to hold a couch and a few items. I experienced many storms and seasons naturally and personally. Through these experiences, I had to learn how to reserve energy and water usage. I had to learn how to store and pack a camper. I even learned how to empty my sewage tanks. The time allowed me to heal and find restoration. I was able to grieve the loss of my dad and new changes. I drew closer to my brother and graduated with my master's degree. I left a job I had known for six years and took a teaching position. I am learning how to be a teacher in a public school while getting my license to teach. With all these changes, I can afford a small apartment after three years of being in a camper. We experienced a cold snap that caused our duplexes to have water issues. We were out of water for three days. I read the following scripture that reminded me of the almond tree with the story of hope that beauty will return even out of the harshest times. 
Take time today and thank the lord for the simplest things in your life that we often take for granted. Jesus is our living water! He is our HOPE! 


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