2023 Freedom



    I felt that God was showing me the word freedom for 2023. I started to think about the word freedom. The definition of freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. What does freedom mean to you? Freedom is one of my favorite words representing different meanings in my life. I remember in my early 20s, I was significantly overweight and hated my life. I just graduated from high school with no particular thought of who I was. By this time, I weighed over 350 pounds and started my first job as a substitute teacher at a preschool. I got so depressed with myself that I decided to make a huge decision and called LA Weight Loss. It was a decision to face myself and learn how to love myself. I dropped 125 pounds through the program and was learning to live my life. I was out on my own and working two jobs. Freedom was learning to love me. Years after years, the meaning of freedom has changed. I have dropped years of toxic people, grieved loss after loss, and learned through heartache. Gal. 5:1," It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." For 2023 the meaning has changed to understand my freedom in Christ. 


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