Our Father's Characteristics


Our Father's Characteristics

In Ps. 103:8, " The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love." This verse is quoted or even referenced wrong by many Christians. Let's break this verse down for better understanding. If we profess to be a child of God, then we should carry God's characteristics in our lives. So if the LORD is compassionate and Gracious... Am I compassionate and gracious? Maybe not always as I should be! We can all be honest here. It's ok! We will break it down more. Let's define what compassionate means. Compassionate means to have feelings or show sympathy. To show concern for others. If your neighbor is going through a difficult time, are you providing support or using judgment? Wait, don't answer yet. Let's define gracious! Gracious means being courteous, kind, and pleasant ( Christian belief) to show divine grace. So we are to act without judgment toward people. There is more to consider as read through the verse. It says that our LORD is slow to anger. How many times do we react first without thinking through what is before us? I know I have done it a million times! We can be angry, upset, and mad, but our attitude can get us into trouble. We need to look at another part of this verse. It also reads that our Heavenly Father is always abounding in love. Are we overflowing with love? It's ok! We aren't made in perfection because Romans 3:23 reads, " For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard." However, this does not give us an excuse but a mere understanding of the absolute truth that we need God to be more like him. What if we try to show more of Christ's characteristics in our lives so that others can see God through us? Does your life reflect your Father's characteristics?


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