Day 81~ Watch Your Tongue~ You'll Eat Your words

Welcome to day 81 devotional reading and reflection as we continue our journey through Joyce Meyer's book,  " 100 was to simplify your life."

Day 81~ Watch your Tongue ~

Our scripture comes from Psalm 34:13, " Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit."

We are in the generation of speaking our mind whenever we feel we need to voice our opinion. We were instructed to teach our children to express their feelings. We allow them to make those decisions on what they think they need to do! There is a time to say something or when to keep our thoughts to ourselves. There are times I just want to tell people what they need to do! Sometimes they need to learn on their own. The problem is that the words we speak often does not edify the person or situation. We don't realize how much power we have in our tongue. Refer to Proverbs 18:21.

Reflection ~ You will Eat Your Words

  In James 3:2,  "We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check." We have to realize that we aren't perfect and we could easily get into our own trouble if we don't pay attention to what comes out of our mouths. We could easily destroy someone's life by speaking a false word about them without knowing the whole story. God is the boy one who is perfect.


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