Day 83 ~ Avoid Temptation ~ Turn Around

Welcome to Day 83 devotional reading and reflection as we make our way down this mountain! God has given us major insights in our to simply our lives.

Day 83~ Avoid Temptation 

Our scripture reading comes from Romans 1313-14,  " Put on the Lord Jesus Christ,  and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lists."

Today we are exposed to so many things that we don't always pay attention to something that seems so innocent can eventually lead us to destruction to our lives. I have seen many who were addicted to drugs and alcohol that it ended up killing them. I love my pasta and bread,  that if I eat too much of it,  my system slows down!  It eventually makes me sick and groggy!  If we continue to take pleasures of this world and less of Jesus,  we are setting us up for failure! 

Reflection ~ Turn Around 

We tend to act like the Children of Israel  grumbling and complaining that we often don't pay attention to dangers! In Duet. 2:3, " Turn around. You have gone around this mountain long enough." God called out! We can avoid the emotional roller coaster if we just stop and listen! Read God's word and prayer is important! 


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