Day 84~ Avoid Gossiping and Go to God First

Welcome to day 84 as we continue with our devotional reading and reflection! God is amazing and so loving! His story is what we need to be sharing instead of things about people.

Day 84~ Avoid Gossip~

Our scripture comes from Proverbs 20:19, " He who goes about as a table bearer reveals secrets; therefore associate not with him who talks too freely."
I have in the past didn't understand the difference between gossiping and just talking to people. Then the
Last few years I have experienced Where people would use asking for prayer and would want more details of the situation. This is an awful trap to get into. I have to remember to back off when giving prayer requests and keep it simple. Before I go share something, I have to ask if it's true and would that person want me to share it with somebody else. I have to admit that Facebook is bad because I will put something out there. I need not to do that. You just want people to get the clue but in reality they know what they are doing and they really don't see it as a problem.

Reflection ~ Go to God First 

The problem is that we tend to do other things first without consulting God. If we take the time to talk to God,  the situation that bothers us could be turned around for our good. God will always show us the proper way of handling things.


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