Day 86~ Be Wise ~ Wise Men Took Action

Welcome to day 86 devotional reading and reflection as we finish up our discussion of Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplfy Your Life."

Day 86~ Be Wise~

Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 8:33, " Hear instruction and be wise, and do not refuse of neglect it."

To have a more simplified life, we have to be mindful about our decisions that we make today that will affect our future. Maybe the best advice is that wisdom does not gamble but it invests. We have to take into consideration things that we should do now that we will be happy about in our later years. For an example, I made a serious decision about getting healthy. After hard work it will eventually pay off. In order to make these changes, I had to do the action of making the right decision to be healthy. "Wisdom cannot be a procrastinator because wisdom takes action" ( Meyer, 2007). The decisions we make are important to God and he wants us to seek him in those decisions. He never promised that things would be easy but that things will get better. We have to put things into action if we want to see these decisions to manifest in our lives. God will tell you if that decision is " right " or " wrong" as you spend time seeking Him for guidance.

Reflection~ Wise Men Took Action~

As we approach the Christmas season, reflect on how the wise men seek after the King. They followed a star in the sky and prophecies from the old testament. They were searching for the King of Kings. They traveled from afar with basically a community looking for Baby Jesus. Once they got to where Jesus was born, they didn't find him there. The wise men did not stop there. They gathered information as to where they could find him and what direction they should head out towards. The actual journey took roughly 2 years to make. They kept seeking him! The wise men offered gifts to Jesus that represent worth in the Kingdom of God. Gold was considered valuable. Gold also represents Kingship on earth. Jesus was the King of Kings. Frankincense was used as an incense that was used in the temples. It was expensive to purchase but it was a necessity. Frankincense is used for the treatment of inflammatory issues, anxiety and other health problems. Like Jesus, He is our healer! Myrrh is an embalming oil that they used when people passed. It is the symbol of death that lets us know that Jesus was God's ultimate Gift of sacrifice for our sins. Nobody else can take His place. as we round ourselves for 2017, many make resolutions that we sometimes don't keep. Let's seek God first to see what gifts that we have that we aren't using to the full capacity. Focus on those gifts to be used to magnify His kingdom throughout 2017! 


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