Day 82~ The Battle Belongs to the Lord~ Give God Praise

Welcome to Day 82 devotional reading and reflection as we are summing up our journey through Joyce Meyer's book, "100 Ways to simplify Your life."

Day 82~ The Battle Belongs to the Lord~

We often cause more complications in our lives when we go fighting our battles because we don't trust God. The events or situations in our lives are not what makes life complicated, but it is merely our actions in how we approach them. When we approach events fearful or doubting,  we are putting ourselves into turmoil which is another tool for Satan to keep us under his foot. I tend to always over think a situation and cause so much anxiety that I cannot sleep. I have to learn to trust God. He will always be there in my defense. 

Reflection ~ Give God Praise~

Throughout the Bible, God has instructed us not to be afraid because he has overcome the world! Paul tells us to be content in every situation. Is it easy?  No! In Psalm,  23:1,  " The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want." He has it in his hands! Praise God and keep on praising him! God is good! 


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