day 85~ The Gift of Generosity Through Inconvenience~ The Gift of Jesus

Welcome to day 85 devotional reading and reflection as we are making our way through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." Through the holidays it is difficult for many people to be apart of the holidays. I am one who is having an issue getting through them because I expected something different than I originally had in mind.

Day 85~ The Gift of Generosity Through Inconvenience~

Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 11:24-25, " There are those who [ generously] scatter abroad, and yet increase more; there are those who withhold more than is fitting or what is justly due, but it results only in want. The liberal person be enriched, and he who waters shall himself be watered."

Have you ever considered inconveniences to be a gift of generosity? Around this Christmas season, many find themselves stressed or not in the mood for the holiday itself. Many reflect how inconvenient this holiday is for them. Some people are out of work, struggle to provide food for their children and some are alone. Generosity is really showing kindness to one another or having plenty of something to share. Many of us have wasted years of being unhappy and selfish, that we have missed opportunities to be a blessing to someone else. When inconvenience comes, we tend to start thinking, " What about me?" Inconvenience of taking care of a sick family member or friend. The inconvenience of working less hours. The inconvenience of doing something out of our comfort zone to obey God. Recently our church did a sing out where we all gathered in a local Wal-mart and sang a few songs for Christmas. This was a simple opportunity to share the love of Jesus in a different manner. Right now I am facing in the inconvenience of going to school for my master's degree because it was not something I planned to do or at this time something I need to do. I have a good job and I was really done with school. Then God reminded me that it maybe an inconvenience to me but there was a blessing in it if I would be content with a grateful heart and obey what he needs me to do. This has nothing to do with me but merely to obey God for something he has in mind. This inconvenience is part of his plan.

Reflection~ The Gift of Jesus~

Talk about inconvenience when Mary first got the word that she would be pregnant during the most inconvenient time as she was engaged to be married to Joseph. Mary was probably around the age of 12 or 13 years old and had no idea what to do. Joseph got word that she was pregnant  and in his mind thinking she wasn't who he thought she was. Talk about inconvenience! God sent angels to let them know what was about to happen. God provides us help or direction in the time of inconveniences of our lives if we stop focusing on ourselves and learn to focus on the promise of the King. There is a reason for the inconvenience along with a blessing if we hang onto God's promises. Today I am thankful for the inconvenience of the birth of Jesus Christ. Without him being born, I would have no reason for living. This Christmas season, take your inconvenience and share the gift of Jesus through generosity for others.   



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