Day 88 ~ Don't Be Offended~ Forgiveness Keeps Away the Root of Bitterness

Welcome to day 88 in our devotional reading and reflection as we continue with our discussion through Joyce Meyer's Book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." It is the second day into 2017! I waited a few days in between these devotionals to allow God to speak to me in what direction I should go with this blog page. Lots of changes are happening and I needed to make sure that this was still what God wanted me to continue. The last few devotionals are carrying us into 2017 and bringing all this together. God works in mysterious ways!

Day 88 ~ Don't Be Offended~

Our scripture reading comes from James 1:19, " Understand [this] my beloved brethren. Let every man be quick to hear [a ready listener], slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry."

Many of us are constantly stuck in the cycle of being offended. What if this New Year, we stop allowing Satan's fun of  holding offensive attitudes or conversations that we will encounter that allows us to loose our joy. Most importantly, it actually hinders our relationship with God. This is why so many of us are not living with peace because we are always on the offense or defense at times. I'm one that can ride both lines pretty evenly. Anger was my friend! I am very defensive in many ways than some would expect. I wouldn't think twice punching someone in the mouth. Being offended seems to come easy and why I tend to be defensive a lot. God showed me that this is the root to my anger. This particular situation is in regards with dealing with someone who is jealous of you and no matter what I try to do, it seems to be the opposite. I have asked God what did I do to cause this riff and if I needed to apologize. He told me straight up that there was jealousy. I asked God if I needed to apologize for anything and he spoke "no." However, I also realized that I still needed to forgive. Then after forgiving, I have to remember that with each encounter, I have to still show them respect and be friendly even if I don't feel it. 

Reflection~ Forgiveness Keeps Away the Root of Bitterness

In the Bible, God tells us he'll take care of those that harm us or offends in His Time. He prefers that we do things His way like always forgive. He also wants us to pray for our enemies, to bless and not to curse them. Ask God to heal our wounded spirit and truly forgive that person or situation. I am reminded that God wants us to be respectful and friendly when we encounter that person again. Each time we are doing this, the more we are becoming Christ like. However, if its too much, God will remove you or that person from your life and when that happens, don't chase after them. When we learn to quickly forgive those who have hurt us, the likely the chance of bitterness will not be in our hearts. then my friend, starting 2017 will be simpler. 


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