Day 93~ Don't be Discouraged with yourself~ Attitude in Faith

Welcome to day 93 devotional reading and reflection as we finalize our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to simplify Your Life." Discouragement is something we all will face in this lifetime. Many of us allow discouragement to hold us down. We can lift ourselves out of discouragement with one small step.

Day 93~ Don't Be Discouraged with Yourself~

Our scripture reading comes from 2 Corinthians 4:16, " Therefore we do not become discourage ( utterly spiritless, exhausted, and wearied out through fear). Though our outer man is [progressively] decaying and wasting away, yet our inner self is being [progressively] renewed day after day."

Discouragement after discouragement can easily put us in the wrong mindset that nothing will go right for us or that God doesn't love us. This kind of thinking is so far off from what really God wants and has for us if we just ease up on being discouraged with ourselves when we make mistakes. We have the chance to start over every day. So we failed our diet plan today make a better choice tomorrow! When we over think,  we are creating more stress than we need. I am not a bowler but when I do, I realize my game is off because I over think getting the ball down the lane. When it is better not to think but let the ball go! That is what God is trying to tell us do with our mistakes, disappointments and discouragements!

Reflection ~ Attitude of Faith~

If we let God know that we messed up,  he will make a way to correct it! So take time today to let it go and let God! 


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