Day 94~ Be a Prisoner of Hope ~ Positive Attitude

Welcome to day 94 devotional reading and reflection as we continue with our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." We have been discussing how our negative thinking causes us to be trapped in this endless cycle of " Woes Me." We talked about old names before Christ like Hopeless and when we have Christ our new name is Hope!

Day 94~ Be a Prisoner of Hope~

Our scripture reading comes from Zechariah 9:12, " Return to the stronghold [of security and prosperity], you prisoners of hope; even today do I declare that I will restore double your former prosperity to you."

What does prisoners of hope mean according to this scripture? We could safely say that it is a person that refuses to give up hope no matter the circumstances! They wrap everything around their hope in God that no matter what they are facing, he is going to show up! Hope allows us to think more positively that we can carry a smile on our faces. Without hope, one can easily feel sick, depressed, discouraged, and despaired. Many times this causes more issues for that person when they continue to stay in that cycle of negative thinking. This is Satan's playground! He rather have us feel hopeless so he can have us in his trap. When my mom was dealing with her cancer, her attitude was positive. From the time it was discovered, to the colonoscopy, through surgery, six months of chemo and numerous check-ups, she remained hopeful! This allowed me to also experience that same hope that God was in control! Her attitude was positive. Hope believes all things are possible. Hope is positive thinking!

Reflection~ Positive Attitude~

Having a positive attitude does indeed make your life simpler. With positive thinking, it relieves pressure of the circumstances which allows us to smile through all that we maybe facing. Paul reminds us to be content in every situation which is the attitude that God requires us to have so that he can work His will in our lives. Once we realize that His thoughts and plans are higher than ours, we can then walk aligned with God's will for our lives. Think Positive! Embrace changes with a smile and expectations!


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