Day 92~ The Person Who Lives Inside of You~ We are More Than What We have Become

welcome to day 92 as we continue our last few days of our devotional reading and reflection through our discussion of Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to simplify Your Life." Learning to understand the heart of God we first have to understand ourselves. In order to enjoy life we have like ourselves even more to continue to do what we are called to do.

Day 92~ The Person Who Lives Inside You~

Our scripture reading comes from 1 Peter 1:22, " Since by your obedience to the Truth through the [Holy] Spirit you have purified your hearts for the sincere affection of the brethren, [see that you] love one another fervently from a pure heart."

The biggest thing in the last few months that God has laid upon my hearthas that having a pure heart can help me achieve a more simpler life. Like many of you, I hold onto a lot of things from the past that I didn't even know that was there. In my mind set, I have started to be who people were saying I was rather it was good or bad. My mind believed those lies and things in my heart were being planted. Things in my heart were not all that beautiful. Therefore, it clouded the reflection that God was trying to reveal. His beauty! His creation! He created me for a purpose just like he created you for a purpose. God looks at the heart of man and determines the final say! I was no different than those around me but God set me apart for a reason in order for me to grasp what he created me to do. He already breathed my destiny and my purpose in this life. God of the Universe named everything and He even took the precious time to name His children. We were created in His image. My daddy!

Reflection~ We are More Than What We have Become~

We have believed lies for so long that we are not living fully in our purpose that God has created us to be! We allowed things for too long to keep us in a place that God has already delivered us from and we still have the mindset of the past. There is so much more for us if we only take the time to fully listen to what God has been telling us. First thing we have to purify our hearts and get aligned with His will for our lives. Second, examine our thoughts and attitudes. Start renewing our minds to be more kingdom minded. Know who Created us! Third, facing the truth of our past is not easy but it's the beginning to having a life worth living in our purpose. You can either learn from it or run from it! What's your choice?


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