Day 90~ Its Never Too Late~New Name~New Day

Welcome to day 90 in our devotional reading and reflection as we are gearing to finishing our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to simplify Your Life." We are freshly in the new year of 2017. Many people make resolutions but don't always follow through and then they get upset when they fail. What is so awesome about our God is that He is the God of New Beginning.

Day 90~ Its Never Too Late~

Our scripture reading comes from Lamentations 3:22-23, " It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness."

It is so hard sometimes to face some things in this life. Before I was saved I had the hard time accepting who I was. Then when I gave my life over to Christ at 13, those old patterns of thinking were still there until later on in my adulthood. I had been involved in church all my life but there was a lot that was not taught and I was hungry for something new. Hopelessness was a name I carried around with me for years. Matter fact we were best buds. We had a sidekick named Eeyore. I felt like nothing good would happen for me. Everybody else was getting to go to college, getting boyfriends, getting married and having children. I wanted all those things too. Then I began that hopeless thinking cycle, " Why me?" I always worked hard at everything I did and I wasn't one to give up easy but I tell you what, it was close one time to give up on life completely. I finally had to do some mind set changes and it was hard work. I was able to go to college and graduate with my Bachelors' in Business and Management in October 2016. I have an opportunity to go get my Master's Degree and I tell you what, I have been talking myself out of it. I am being like Jonah. God gave him instructions to do something and he ran from God. I am running spiritually at this moment. God gave Jonah a second chance to do what we he was called to do but with Jonah, he had a bad attitude doing what God wanted him to do. He just did it because God said and he didn't want to go through another bad experience. Jonah was angry that he missed the blessing of him giving the word that he needed to share. He stewed about it. I am like Jonah. I keep telling myself I'm just going because God said to go. I have a plan B all set in my mind.

Reflection~ New Name~New Day~

After I sat with God the last week or so,  I finally realized I have a new name in Christ! My new name is Hope because of God,  he has provided me an opportunity that will be more of a blessing if I approach it with a better attitude. It is never too late to ask God for forgiveness in having a bad attitude and to realize that God loves us so much that he always knows what is best! Today is a new day when you give it a new name! If your old name has been defeated now turn it around because in Christ your new name is victorious! 


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