Day 91~ Be like Little Children ~ Courage to Trust Again and Again

Welcome to day 91 with our discussion and devotional reading as we are finishing up our discussion of Joyce Meyer's book,  "100 Was to Simplify Your Life." The ability to learn how to trust God is so important. He wants us to be like little children and have those eyes that see things innocently. They believe and they trust openly.

Day 91~ Be Like Little Children 

Our scripture reading comes from Psalm 4:8, " In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust."

I know that it is often hard to trust God through the most difficult days, but it can simplify our lives in better ways. We grow up saying to trust God with everything but as we mature through this physical world, our physical eyes only see what's around us. We find it Hard to trust anybody close to us and we have doubt. We love God but many of us have a hard time trusting Him with the plans for our lives that we question it all the time. As a child, remember running through the fields with no worries! God calls us to be like children living with the expectation that God is who he say He is. To trust Him without any doubt. Children trust more freely with things in this life than we do as adults and we often forget! God wants us to trust Him even when we fall that he will catch us in His arms. It is the cause to a lot of anxiety when we don't trust him.

Reflection~ Courage to Trust Again and Again~

Trusting God shows that we believe in His word. When we doubt Him,  we are saying that we don't believe Him! God loves us so much! Open your heart to trust again and let God do his part! Stop trying to figure it all out! 


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