Day 42 ~ Being thankful~Praises on your Lips

Welcome to day 42 in our devotional and reflection through our discussion with Joyce Meyer's book, "100 ways to simplify your life." I am so grateful to be able to share with you the goodness about my God. There is so much more to know of him that many of us are barely scrapping the surface.

Day 42 ~ Being Thankful~

Our scripture reading comes from Psalm 7:17, " I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High."

Today God gave me a double whammy with this one as an important reminder. Being thankful in all circumstances does ease things in your life. Whenever we get caught up in a situation, are we finding ourselves to complain first or being thankful to God? I am asking this because we have seen what negative feelings of a situation can do verses a positive! God's word tells us in so many ways to be thankful instead of finding fault. If we glance at Philippians 2:14, " Do everything without grumbling or arguing...." I know you are thinking, everything to be thankful! Yes!! There's no way around it. It actually guides you along the path that God has already went before you. He knows everything you are facing. When we grumble or complain, we are really finding God to be at fault with our lives! This is a disobedience to him! Days are hard I know! I suffer in pain pretty much everyday! Some days it is unbearable! I have found it to be easier to thank God for allowing me to wake up that day! There are days my shoulders can hardly lift anything, and  if I have to go grocery shopping, God allows a way for a helper to come along with me. Learning to be thankful! Yes it is sometimes my niece or nephew but it is God allowing me a chance to talk to them. Being thankful!! We want to wait until Thanksgiving to show our thankfulness! How about everyday? We have read Apostle Paul's teaching on this subject in all his writings! When God repeats something more than once, IT IS IMPORTANT!

Reflection~ Praises On Your Lips~

If we read Philippians 4:6-7, " Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." A thankful heart is a form of worship!! Plain and simple. If you go through your week complaining and then going to church on Sunday to sing a few songs to say that you worshiped God is wrong! A true worshiper is someone who worships God in spirit and truth. Refer to (John 4:24). Being thankful releases peace! Thank God through everything! It is His will!!! Listen to this song! 


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