Day 56~Don't Answer Every Call ~ answer God's Call

Welcome to day 56 as we continue to discuss our journey through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." We discussed in the previous devotion about we are so quick to accept anything that we receive through any form of information. We are on overload. When do you stop the merry- go- around cycle?

Day 56~ Don't Answer Every Call~

Our scripture reading comes from 1 Corinthians 7:34, " And he is drawn in diverging directions [his interests are divided and he is distracted from his devotion to God]."

We have this thing call cell phones. They are pretty much everyone number 1 item on them. I remembered when I first moved down here, I actually bought a cell phone and I barely used it caused it was worthless for those I could call back home. I did come handy for here though when I needed something. As things got better with technology we have smart phones that was invented to help replace laptops. Now it is more affordable to have a cell phone than a land line phone. Here is the problem. Since our phone is on us, we answer every call we get no matter where we are. I am laughing now because I was recently in a public bathroom and this lady was having a full blown conversation on her phone. Ever thought they were talking to you and you answered. The saddest part is now you see people talking on them while driving. I don't answer my phone while I am driving. You will have to wait until I have reached my destination for me to respond. I have experienced someone fighting with her husband to get into an accident and she tried calling him back and he wouldn't answer her call. Do you really want to remember that as your last conversation? Your life is more important to me. Your life is important to God. We loose what matters the most. We forget to answer the most important calls.

Reflection~Answer God's Call~

So many times we are so busy we miss the greatest call of our lives. How about the times when God called you to the altar to receive His son? How about the call that God has for you to help build the kingdom of God? If you have not received Jesus as your personal savior, what is keeping you from accepting His call? God loves you so much that he offered his son Jesus to be our sacrifice on the cross for our sins. The sinful life you are living will not satisfy you. Jesus will fill every need you are facing right now. If you want to talk more about this, drop me a message and will be glad to share more with you. 
Now if you are saved and you have been avoiding the call God has for you, what is keeping you from accepting it? In Matthew 22:14, " For many are called, but few are chosen." If God has called you to start leading something at your church, why haven't you stepped out? Take time today to really sit with God and let him lead you. Remember fear keeps you from your promise land.


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