Day 61 ~ Keeping a Prayer Journal~ Keeping it Simple

Welcome to day 61 as we continue with our devotional reading and reflection. We have traveled a long ways, so now we are making our way down this mountain but let's sit for a moment to look at our prayer life.

Day 61 ~ Keeping a Prayer Journal~

Our scripture comes from Ephesians 6:18, " Pray in the Spirit always with all kinds of prayer and supplication. To that end be alert with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints."

Many people struggle with developing a prayer life. Many feel you have to speak fluent languages and to be full of knowledge. We can easily get frustrated and confused. Satan loves to keep us from praying. I have heard that less is always better. I sometimes go over board because I want every single detail. While attending college, whenever I did presentations, I would make sure that every detail was made known. Some of my classmates would give me feedback that I didn't need to elaborate off of what I already had on my slides. They understood exactly what was needed. Oh and always to breathe and speak slowly! I realize that sometimes I do give out more information than what is needed and then become long winded. It is better to try to say things in fewer words but yet be sincere or effective in speaking.It is no different with God. I have for many years done a prayer journal. I have done things in different ways just to be able to understand what God was telling me. Learning how to be still and quiet is difficult.
 Here are some tips to help you start your own prayer journal.
1) purchase any type of notebook! Dollar store!!!
2) highlighters, pens, and pencils.
3) your bible!
4) a quiet place to read
5) a devotional book for daily reading
Here is a journal page you could create to help you organize your thoughts.

Reflection~Keep it Simple~

Our entire foundation of our faith is simple. Our faith allows us to lean on, fully rely and trust God in what he says. God himself is simple. Moses asked God to explain to him who He was, God said as it is recorded in Exodus 3:14 (NLT), " God replied to Moses, ' I AM WHO I AM. Say this to the people of Israel: I AM has sent me to you.'" When we consider praying to God, he is our friend. Just talk to him by being simple and straightforward.


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