Day 52~ Perfectionism vs. Excellence~ Keep your attitude in check

Welcome to day 52 as we continue our devotional and reflection based on our discussion of Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify your Life." We all have faced different situations that we have lost the meaning behind what true perfectionism vs. excellence. Many of us truly do not understand the difference.

Day 52~ Perfectionism vs. Excellence~

Our scripture reading comes from Philippians 2:5, " Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]."

This issue has always been difficult for me to grasp. Understanding the difference between perfectionism vs. Excellence. Many times I have been guilty of putting unrealistic expectations on myself and others at times. With unrealistic expectations we are allowing Satan the chance to steal our peace and joy. Perfectionism is defined as a refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. Many religions have a philosophy that their doctrine of religious, moral, social, or political perfection is attainable, especially the theory that human moral or spiritual perfection should be or has been attained. This standard of perfectionism is the opposite of what God requires and sees. This is stating that your works are what can get you into heaven alone. You put yourself in the standard that you have done no wrong. (Romans 3:23) states, " For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God..." So if you are a blood bought by Christ Jesus, you realize that the only one who is perfect is God and the only one without sin is Jesus Christ. Now here comes the word excellence that we read throughout the Bible. Definition of excellence is the quality of being outstanding or extremely good. Distinction, skill, talent, accomplishment and mastery. VERY BEST EFFORT! This is to be able to recognize failures and mistakes. To be flexible at times. This was a difficult struggle throughout college the last 4 years with working on team assignments. At first, the struggle was dealing with schedules of other people or life situations different than mine. There were times were mistakes have happened and as a team suffered. My team members would argue that I pushed them hard even when they didn't want to. Some had to go on without me on their team and realize there were reasons I was hard on certain things. God is like that with our gifts and talents he has given each one of us. He wants us to use them to the best ability that he provided us to work through them for His glory. It is not out of competition or for show. It is all about Him! Yes you have to understand your limitations to where you need to be. Sometimes I have been able to be creative with just not songwriting itself but write poetry or for instance what I am doing now. It is all the same!  I took a freelance writing course which provided the skills of staying focused on themes and characters. Songwriting you have to follow a certain pattern in how words flow and rhyme pretty much like poetry. Songwriting comes in different forms. I personally write in the style of story telling. There is always something behind it. Now to change it up, different genres of music have their patterns as well. The main thing that it is focused and stays on task.

Reflection~ Keep Your Attitude in Check~

We have to understand that mistakes and accidents will happen no matter what. We spend too much time freaking out when things don't work out like we have planned. We have to realize that life is messy and not perfect. People we deal with everyday will make mistakes and there will be accidents. How can we show the true God who doesn't desire perfectionism that we cannot attain to others? Love! Show forgiveness! With excellence we are proactive. We are moving in what God has called us to do which to share the gospel to the lost. We have to learn how to breathe and not over react. We have to learn not to be mad about everything that won't really matter five years later. If we keep our attitude in check, we can allow others to see God in us. Once they see genuine love of God, they too will desire it as well. 


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