Day 50 ~ Control your thoughts~Let my light shine

Welcome to day 50 in our spiritual journey up our mountain of faith as we continue our discussion on Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." As you remember as I started this blog page, i talked about climbing a physical mountain. As you joined with me each day, I was taking you on a spiritual journey up a mountain. I love how God unfolds His story. Let's find out.

Day 50~ Control Your Thoughts~

Our scripture reading comes from Zephaniah 2:1, " Collect your thoughts, yes, unbend yourselves."

If you have ever had the privilege to climb a physical mountain, than you can relate to seeing the true beauty from the top and the process you had to endure to reach it. We had to prepare physically for our hiking trip with water, nourishment, proper footwear, and guidance. No different than climbing a spiritual mountain. Our water throughout this process was understanding who Jesus is. He is our LIVING WATER. With our relationship with God, He provided Jesus to show us the way and gave us life. With the acceptance of Jesus into our lives we then have the comfort of having the Holy Spirit within us to give us our NOURISHMENT. The Holy Spirit provides us strength when we cannot climb anymore. Discernment when to change course for protection or distraction that will cause us harm and throws us off course. If we missed the cue, he gently clears the way for us to get back on track through His word. The Bible which provides light unto our path (Psalm 96:6). The Faith in our being is the guide (Jesus, John 8:12). Our footwear are the shoes of peace. However, we sometimes we don't activate the shoes of peace (Eph. 6:15). As we start walking we soon find ourselves complaining. It is too hot, it is too steep, my feet hurt, my back hurts and so forth. Every now and then if we start traveling with other people, we soon start bickering with the people we are traveling with either our families, friends, communities, co workers, schoolmates, church people and many more. We have allowed Satan to have a foothold in this journey. We cannot avoid him but we can learn how to defeat him daily. Satan does not what any of us to have peace. Satan loves to keep things divided. We make it easy for him to do so. If we only took the time to open God's word for help and apply it, the process in our lives would be easier. The blood of Jesus is our peace in this life. With peace we have VICTORY, PROTECTION, and our GUARD (anchor in our storms ) (John 14:27). In order to activate peace in our life you have to start being THANKFUL." Lord thank you for this rugged path that I must travel. I may not see where you are leading me but I have faith that is for my good." We read it in Col. 3:15, " And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be thankful." Being THANKFUL ensures that you trust God through it all. Our mind is the battlefield majority of the time and if we surrender our thoughts to God, this allows Him to renew our minds.

Reflection~Let My Light Shine~

Once we have reached the top of the mountain with God, he has a few things to share with us. With each step, he lifted us higher. He hasn't left your side through this process and he will never leave us.

The reality is that this only one stopping point in the mountain climbing process. God just wanted to give you a peak of HIS MAJESTY. To keep focus on moving forward we have to learn these precious treasures he has hidden for us to find along our trail:
40. Have Simple Friends
41. Find the most efficient way to do things    
42. Be Thankful                                               
43. Count the cost before you commit              
44. Pray about everything
45. Don't fret over evildoers
46. Trust God to change you
47. Trust God to change other people
48. Have a broad circle of inclusion
49. Give it to God
Breathe we are almost there! 


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