Day 43~ Count the Cost~ Your Commitment

Welcome to day 43 with our devotional and reflection as we continue our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." This is getting closer to the halfway mark in our discussions. I hope that everyone has been blessed through either one of these devotionals. I know I have personally learned a few new things myself as I am writing! God is Good!

Day 43~ Count the Cost~

Our scripture reading comes from James 5: 12, " But above all [things], my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath; but let your yes be [a simple] yes, and your no be [a simple] no, so that you may not sin and fall under condemnation."

This is one of my favorite verses. Matter fact , it is one that I have written down on note cards, journals and highlighted in my bibles. This is where a lot of us get stuck doing things because we feel obligated because someone in our family feels that it is important. Other times we just do something because people at church say we need to be more involved. Our boss will always ask that one more thing before we leave and we just do it! One more obligation to fulfill when you know you are booked solid. Why are we feeling unsatisfied or overworked? Overwhelmed? Once again we have taken for granted the gift of time and our boundaries. We don't have to attend to everything that we get invited to! It is always nice to be thought of for any special occasion. It is taken for granted that we don't know how to say no! We don't always understand why we said yes either! I always have been one to agonize over every decision because I don't like hurting people's feelings. I treasure so many people. There are some proper ways of handling our commitments. Never responding is really the worse when it comes to invitations! Especially to weddings, baby showers, wedding showers, birthday parties, and graduation parties. People took the time and spent money to include in that day in the first place. If you have to work or simply cannot make it, if RSVP card is enclosed, fill it out. If you want to make sure that you really thought their invite was sweet, you can always send that RSVP in another card to express your gratitude. Many people would rather have that than just nothing. Remember old school days, you simply sent a note, card or even a phone call to let that person know. We have simply have forgotten our manners. Text messages are great for quick responses but I still would rather tell the person face to face. We make commitments to be apart of something for church and how many times have we been faithful to be there when we signed up for it. Simplify your life by considering your commitments. Honor God more by being honest that something isn't just for you, your schedule and know it is okay to say "No."

Reflection~ Your Commitment~

How many times have we done this to God? We said " yes", we will follow you but as soon as the rooster crows we deny that we never knew him. If we love someone enough, we try to make sure that person knows it without thinking twice. How about God? He loves us. Do you love him? He gave us his precious son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. I'm glad that Jesus made his commitment to carry out God's will so we can have a life free from sin. Just knowing God isn't enough, there is more to this commitment when we gave our lives. We are to follow him and we are to share the gospel of Jesus so that no man shall perish. You want to simplify your life, consider your " yes" and "no", and follow God's will for your life.


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