Day 57~ Don't Let Work Pile Up~ Tomorrow is Never Promised

Welcome to day 57 as we continue through devotional reading and reflection as we are discussing Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to Simplify Your Life." We have covered so much ground work as we have traveled this faith mountain journey. We are slowly making our way back down the mountain that we are going to pace ourselves because once we are finished with this journey, we have to live it.

~ Day 57~ Don't Let Work Pile Up~

Our scripture reading comes from Acts 20:35, " In everything I have pointed out to you [ by example] that, by working diligently in this manner, we ought to assist the weak, being mindful of the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, It is more blessed (makes one happier and more to be envied) to give than receive."

I have to admit that this is a serious problem of mine. I have so many projects started and never really finished them. I also have so many books to read, instruments around, and old papers to clear out! This is overwhelming for me! It is easier to find excuses as not to do something. When I was a janitor, I had a routine to follow everyday. It was like clock work! Then I would idle. That old saying " An idle brain is the devil's playground." This is where I get into trouble. I started  to strip bathroom floors on day by using my feet and mop. The floors never looked cleaned even though I was mopping them daily. So I got to scrubbing them. I had 34 bathroom areas throughout the factory. I scrubbed every single one by my feet and mop. Once they were all scrubbed, then I waxed them to give them a shine. It took me 2 weeks on top of all my other duties to complete. But another problem is sometimes I put off more for the next day instead of focusing on it getting done today. I will be honest, I am one of those people who does not like to do laundry. I have a basket right now that needs to be folded and put away. It has to be done. Guess how long it's been sitting there? Let's just say 4 days. I know that if I just do it, it's done with and then I can continue the rest of other tasks that need to be done. 

~ Reflection~ Tomorrow is never promised~

We think we have time! We aren't promised tomorrow about anything according to God's word. Back before my best friend Liz passed away, I kept putting off writing or calling her. We had a rough patch. I didn't even tell her I was moving away because there was so much stuff going on. I just packed up and left. One day I got a post card from her that was forwarded to me. I had to finally write to her. We started writing back and forth again. One day my heart said to call her. So I did. We were discussing about making plans to see each other. I asked how was the winter there and she said it is was mild. I said well hopefully it will continue and you won't have a freak snowstorm. That was the week before Her and her family were in a car accident due to a snowstorm. We aren't promised tomorrow! That's why we need to be busy for the Lord sharing the gospel with everyone we meet. Why is he special to you? That's your starting point. We have family and friends that need to hear from us. Why are you putting it off? It is even worse when we put off our time with God. We loose our way, find ourselves in ditches, and we then get angry at God. He will never leave us nor forsake us but we can turn our backs at anytime from Him. If you have not been faithful with your relationship with God, turn back today and simply say, " Jesus, Forgive me! Help me find my way back to you." He loves you more than you will ever know.


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