Day 48~Broad Circle of Inclusion~Love Covers it all~

Welcome to day 48 devotional and reflection as we continue our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." We are facing a lot of issues with separation in many different forms throughout this world. The media likes to create atmosphere for many of us to get on a ban wagon. As Christians we need to make a better example of what God truly wants for his people by displaying what it means to have a broad circle of inclusion.

Day 48 ~ Broad Circle of Inclusion~

Our scripture reading is from 1 Peter, 4:8, " Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins [ forgives and disregards the offenses of others]."

With working with children for over 20 years I have been taught to include every student in the class. No matter color, gender, handicap, or nationality. They were considered my class. I had some crazy classes I will be honest but those classes taught me a lesson. We have to consider what inclusion means. Inclusion means to involve other people and to empower others to show their worth and dignity. This world degrades everyone and we live it daily through work, homes, schools, and sadly even churches. The world classifies inclusion through special or privileged groups. They get the VIP tickets to any opening event. They get first class seats. Work gives them the titles of CEO, Vice President, Manager in training, to even the janitor. With schools, teachers pick, student of the month, VIP of the week, High and honor roll determines the level of how one succeeds. We get the groups of cheerleaders, jocks, music geeks, media nerds, art, math genesis and science wiz. Churches will classify them as other members to be on a board, directors, musicians, praise teams, and children ministries.  I am not saying all this is wrong but the world kinda gets in the way of what God really wants for his people. God has a natural order for everything. Christ is the head of the church, the pastor and then his congregation. Marriage falls the same way with Christ being the head overall, husband protecting and providing over his wife as she takes on her responsibilities of maintaining the household. If neither of these things are in perfect alignment with God, all things fall apart. Business world needs the CEO over the company, board of directors and then the employees. Never the employees over the CEO making decisions. School falls under same line up School superintendent, principal over the teachers. Broad is defined as covering a large number and wide scope of subjects or areas. If we follow exactly what the bible says, all things in our lives will function properly. Christ covers his pastors that allows that covering to come over his congregation. The church is protected through Jesus' blood. This includes everyone in that congregation. Marriages fall same way as your husband takes his place covers his wife and children by protecting them along with providing for them with God the head of your marriage you are covered in protection of Jesus' blood. Nothing can come against you if you are pressed into Jesus' blood.

Reflection~ Love Covers it All~

It is difficult with setting us apart from the world in understanding that we all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). No one is perfect. The only one who is perfect is God. That is known as Perfect Righteousness. According to Isaiah 64: 6, " All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away." This means that all (EVERYONE), has sinned and we are not perfect. We all (EVERYONE) sins differently but we are not different, it is all the same. It is important that no matter how different someone may appear to us, we have to love them like Jesus. We have to be careful falling into this trap called comparative righteousness that if our actions conforms to God's standards that means we are above others. Just because I chose a different path in holding out on dating a certain way does not mean that it is right for someone else and cannot judge that person. This is where we start separating people. Then we have to come to another level of understanding imputed righteousness that we are all humans that cannot live up to God's righteous character but to strive. That's where it is important to admit when we have wronged. This in turn allows us to understand what realized Righteousness is knowing that Jesus' death on the cross allowed us the ability to be in his presence at all times. We are then included in the family of God. Love includes us all (EVERYONE) no matter race, gender, handicap, nor nationality. 


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