Day 58~ Plan Ahead~The Lord Determines Your Steps~

Welcome to day 58 as we continue our devotional reading and reflection according to our discussion through Joyce Meyer's, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." It is amazing the accomplishment we have done so far. Every day there is something new to learn and to apply to our lives. Let's see what is in store for today.

~ Day 58 ~ Plan Ahead~

Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 16:9, " A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure."

So many times people feel overwhelmed with things in life is because they really don't plan ahead for anything and just go by what they think. Many said we shouldn't worry about tomorrow but this has nothing to do with that. We all have agendas that we have to face everyday. How do you accomplish your tasks? You plan ahead. If you want to go on vacation, you have to consider a few things before just going on vacation. I am facing a decision about going for my Master's Degree for Business and Management. The original plan was to go get my Bachelor's Degree in Business and Management to be able to get a good paying job to take care of the load on my parents. I was set on being district manager for Avon. Overtime, that plan has changed and now I am facing the master's. It doesn't make sense to me but it's where God is leading me to agree to. I don't have a job right now to pay back the loans and it's only 17 months with 12 classes. I feel that this is for a specific command for me to obey God more. Sometimes it is just that when God directs your steps. I have a plan but it's God's will for me to follow his steps. 

Reflection~ The Lord Determines Your Steps~

It is important to have a personal relationship with God on a daily basis to make sure that you are headed in the right direction. If you have been diligently seeking God, you will know what God has promised you. Blessings and promises. Majority of the time it is us that needs forget our will and follow His will. He determines! Sometimes God has to reroute us to get to our blessings. Many times he has something we need to learn quickly and move forward. There is no point in dragging your feet. We have to adjust our steps by making them bigger and start praising God because He is leading you to his promise or blessing. We need to stand into position to be ready for what he has in store. 


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