Day 44~ Pray About Everything~ We don't have because we don't ask~

Welcome to day 44 with our devotional and reflection with our discussion from Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." God is good! He is worthy to be praised! What more can I say!

Day 44~ Pray about Everything~

Our scripture reading comes from Ephesians 6:18, " Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God's consecrated people)."

So you want a simpler life? How often are you talking to God? This is important just like every relationship we have. If we say he is First, then why aren't we communicating with him about everything. I have found out the hard way of not praying to God first before doing something. It caused a lot of grief for me but God did turn it around for me. I learned through that lesson not to based decisions based on feelings and opinions of others. It is important to consider God first before you go about your day. Does God really care what shoes I buy? Yes!! Do you really need them? He may have something else in mind to use that money for something else. How about signing up for an event? He has things in mind. Maybe he has somebody who can go with you or maybe something happens where that event was held. How often should we pray? All the time! When we rise, as we eat, as we get in the car, as we arrive to where we need to be, as we run that errand, as we see something and ALL THE TIME! I have found myself talking to God while I am cleaning especially around a stress time for a decision. I want to control my thoughts to be aligned with His. Is it easy? No!!!! But I want Him to be aware that he is on my mind and I want to be available to hear him speak to me. I pray to him to help me loose weight and he provided ways for me to do that. I pray for him to help me to take care of things for my parents but also know when to let them be who they need to be. I pray about how to handle new things in my life. It is important to include my friend to guide me.

Reflection~ We Don't Have Because We Don't Ask~

In James 4 :2, " You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God." There was time when people couldn't go directly to God. They had to go through channels to even be heard. God fixed it for us today but we are still struggling! It is simple! He sent Jesus to be our communicator. When God looks at us he only sees JESUS! We have no reason not to talk to him! You want a simpler life, he has written out over and over again!  


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