Day 64~ Don't Try to Take Care of Everybody~Learn to Be with God Before Serving Him

Welcome to day 64 with our devotional reading and reflection as we continue our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." This one is particularly important to discuss as we look at our responsibilities that we sometimes take on too much without taking care of ourselves first.

Day 64~ Don't Try to Take Care of Everybody~

Our scripture reading comes from Galatians 6:4, " But let every person carefully scrutinize and examine and test his own conduct and his own work." 

The past 10 years I have been the caretaker of my family in different ways. The responsibility at times were overbearing. It was not something I was hiding myself into but rather stepping up to the plate because I was capable to do it. Many times I have been accused of being childish because I live with my parents and not out dating people. That was not God's will for my life at that particular time. It was learning how to be dependent on God more because I have spent majority of my life being independent. I can do it myself mentality! I knew God and loved God but he needed me to grow up spiritually in another manner. He used raising my niece and nephew for awhile to realize it was never about me. Sacrifice things for them. Through my mom having cancer, I was learning who I was in Christ. I wasn't ready for anything more. At a particular point, I stepped out for myself with working as a district assistant with Avon that took me to a new level. Then I was able to focus on me more by having my own business and flexible time. I then started to focus on my physical body and started to loose weight to feel better. Finally, God led me to college where I was stepping out in faith into a new dimension that he was preparing for me. It required more work to accomplish what was needed! I am embarking on the next chapter of my life. Some people get trapped in their identity with constantly taking care of others. That trap Satan keeps them feeling guilty if they do something for themselves! It is a difficult cycle! I felt overwhelmed when I first started school because I was leaving my mom home by herself but God took care of her as she soon grown stronger. I have prayed for help with my parents and last year my brother moved down here but it was still difficult letting someone help! Now, I am instructed by God to discover my true responsibility at this time and give up the rest. Less stress and more peace. Difficult yes!! But it will be worth it all because then I will be able to be more effective for others.

Reflection~ Learn to Be With God Before Serving Him~

Over again I have stated how important it is to have a personal relationship with God daily to our best ability. Through my difficult times, if I didn't seek after him, I would have not made it through what was before me. God is truly amazing when we spend it with him.We always have seasons that we are made for and we have to be ready for that next transition. We sometimes get stuck on our bridge to the promise land by building a house thinking we are done. We haven't crossed it yet. God waits every day for us to call on him for answers that we need, comfort for our hurts but we won't slow down to receive these gifts he has for us. Today take time for you and spend five minutes loving God. Believe me, you feel different each time you do it. Satan will make you feel guilty or selfish, but it's all about God first so you can be available to help others.


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