Day 73~ Be Eternally Minded~ Give Up Reasoning~

Welcome to day 73 devotional reading and reflection as we continue our discussion on Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." We have embarked on this journey not knowing what God was revealing. Some things were obvious while others were something to work on. Yesterday we discussed how important it is to be in solitude with God. We are going to discuss what it means to be eternally minded.

Day 73 ~ Be Eternally Minded~

Our scripture comes from Colossians 3:2, " And set your minds and keep them set on what is above ( the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth."

I have to admit that I have a problem with reasoning. I have seen others are having the same issue with the results of the election. This has opened up my eyes. I am a planner to detail with certain things. It is hard just to go with the flow at times because it makes me nervous. The " What ifs", conquer my mind and then find myself aggravated. Recently, I have been working hard in getting things together for my parents retirement. I want the best for them so that they won't have to suffer from pay check to pay check. We are were given insight to a long-term problem as to why we could never could get refinanced. The options is to get a lawyer and they want to say just go back through bankruptcy. I feel it is a buyout from mortgage company to keep their reins on this house. I want the best! How far am I going to go? Right now, I have to sit back and watch God work because why would he provide us the insight and not carry us through. God knows what is best too. It is important to listen to how he wants this done for the better option. We have to wait for his perfect timing. Everything here on earth is temporal! It will all fade away. Like this saying from C.S.Lewis, " Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither." 

Reflection~ Give up Reasoning~

It is important that we are doing more harm to ourselves with our constant reasoning! When I go searching for the " Whys," in this life, God is simply saying, " trust me child." I know God always works things out better if I just let go of reasoning on every aspect. It is realizing that faith is God. Learning to enjoy this life which is beautiful, simple and powerful is waiting just around the bend. Giving up reasoning allows you to experience eternal blessings which comes from simply trusting God's will for your life. 


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