Day 66 ~ Have it Your Way Mentality~Humble your Pride

Welcome to day 66 as we continue our devotional reading and reflection as we focus our discussion on Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." Learning a huge lesson about humbling ourselves can actually release a lot of stress. Let's dig deeper!

Day 66 ~ Have it Your Way Mentality~

Our scripture is from Mark 4:8, " And other seed [ of the same kind] fell into good (well-adapted) soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing, and yielded up to thirty times as much, and sixty times as much, and even a hundred times as much as had been sown."

Life is not like Burger King, " Have it your way." Many of us fall into that trap and we put ourselves into difficult times. There are two sides to this coin, where some people would rather go along with you just to keep peace and some won't. If we don't learn to take turns ti adapt, we often find ourselves angry or people around us are always angry with us. 

When we fight for what we always want in life, we are  angry or bitter, never truly happy with our lives. We cannot serve others if we don't learn that our pride is holding us back from a happy life. If we continue to use Satan's tools, strife and conflict to empower us to get things we want without asking God first or waiting for his time, we are putting us into position to fail. When there is constant fighting or struggling, we need learn to step back and ask God, " Is this your will for my life?" If you feel at peace, then know that God himself is in the mist of the strife trying to get you to see his hands leading you. When I was frustrated in getting my credits to graduate, I was dealing with getting credits applied from different degrees and training, that I wasn't listening to God telling me where the credits would be found. Therefore, I was becoming angry! So I had to stop, and allow God to direct my efforts to finding the right degree that has the credits to be applied. I finally had peace!

Reflection~ Humble Your Pride~

Can we be honest and say that our pride is the root to be angry? There are many references throughout the bible that God calls us to be humble. If we don't learn to humble ourselves for the sake of others, God will find away to knock you off your pastel. We get so puffed up that we can do it all and God will knock you down. Definition of humble is showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance. If God truly told you that something was yours, why are we chasing, lying, stealing or sleeping with it to claim it, when if we humble ourselves to God, it would be ours anyways. Learning to humble ourselves before the Lord allows us to learn to trust God and then we can serve others. 


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