Day 69~ Be realistic in Your Expectations~ My Hope and Identity in Christ

Welcome day 69 devotional reading and reflection as we continue our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." God is amazing if we just take the time to develop our personal relationship with him. That's all he desires from us! We are embarking on changes and understanding how God is in control. Today we are learning to be realistic.

Day 69~ Be Realistic in Your Expectations~

Our scripture comes from Psalm 39:7, " And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect? My hope and expectation are in you."

Where does your expectations come from? Are you depending on that job security, family, best friend, girl/boy friend, or even your spouse? Are you depending on your church, community or your education? All these things are temporary! They can disappear anytime. I don't know about you, ever had someone disappoint you when you needed them the most. That job you thought was great and then lost it. Many of us are having issues in understanding our identity and self-worth that we seek after others to give it to us. We falsely hide ourselves in family, jobs, a passion or our spouses. Many people have lost loved ones due to suicide. They were suffering so deeply and longing for self-worth. My senior year in high school, I gained a lot of weight and it did not stop. Until about 1997-1998, I made that decision to seek help. I had to learn how to control my eating and to learn to be more active. At that time, I worked as a janitor at night until I went full time. I lost more weight. The last 6 years it happened again and I knew it was time. I had to be realistic with my weight. I was not going to go the skinniest approach. I was just looking to get healthy. In college, our first class talked about SMART goals. Specific goals help you stay focus. Measurable goals allows you appropriate time to accomplish them. Achievable goals makes them measurable. Realistic is narrowing down to what can be done. Timely is all goals final destination. 

Reflection~ My Hope and Identity in Christ~

Once we learn to focus on God and we place all our trust in Him, we can start to identify ourselves as His own. Majority of the time throughout my life time, I didn't know my identity in Christ. I was just saved from going to hell and I loved him. My life verse is Psalm 46:10, " Be still and know that I am God." Recently, another dimension opened up in my relationship with Christ, was that during that time he was telling me how much he loved me and who I was to HIM! Learning to trust God first rather than temporary things, makes your life simple. He is my Hope and my Expectation! 


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