Day 68 ~ Change is a Good Thing ~ Be Brave for New Beginnings

Welcome to day 68 devotional reading and reflection as we continue our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." God has been lighting up our journey path that are connecting to what he has been telling people generation after generations to do. Sometimes what is obvious is the most difficult to admit.

Day 68~ Change is a Good Thing~

Our scripture reading comes from Job 36:24, " Remember that [by submission] you magnify God's work, of which men have sung."

I personally know that a lot of people fear change. I have to be the first to admit that I don't like change either. Sometimes we have to make changes for positive reasons to get us to the next step in life. I don't like to exercise. Matter fact, gym class was my least favorite subject in school. I hated to sweat because my hair would go flat and my make up would run. Vanity is pride! I didn't want to join a gym, but the last year it has been beneficial. I need to get back into routine. I feel better when I go! It is a different atmosphere and it does release tension! Changes have to happen rather we want them to or not. New job, new career, a move and sometimes death. Our lives have seasons just like the weather. During these changes, God is still in control. I know that God is wanting me to understand and acknowledge my anger issues. During this process, it isn't easy opening up wounds that I have buried and to tare down walls that I have built to protect myself. I know it has to be done because I'm leaving the season of waiting and going into the season of preparation for the next season to come, growth and new beginnings. God knows the pain that caused each wound to develop and how I built those walls. When facing changes, invite God in first to help you understand and deal with the things he wants you to change or better manage for His Glory. 

Reflection~ Be Brave for New Beginnings~

God is looking for brave warriors that are willing to hear His voice and to be ready to act when he calls. God desires us to surrender to Him our plans, dreams and desires to be willing to follow His will for our lives. He knows what is best if we just lean on Him and trust his leading. Change is scary but they give you new beginnings. As I was walking out of my graduation ceremony, one of our professors came to me and said, " It's all new beginnings for you." At the end of the walk way, was standing my best friend. God was leading the way! Remember God is our father! To understand that relationship, you have to surrender what you think and let Him open the doors to the new beginnings in your life. Change + growth = New beginnings. Take the leap of Faith.


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