day 78~ Having a Clear Conscience ~ Examine Your Heart

Welcome to day 78 devotional reading and reflection as we continue our journey through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." After a few days to spend time with family through Thanksgiving, I had a bad spell. You know that spell where, it wasn't what you thought it should be like spell. I kinda hopped onto the pity train and derailed a few times. There is something that God reminded me in a few ways and we are going to talk about a clear conscience.

Day 78~ Having a Clear Conscience~ 

Our scripture reading comes from Matthew 6:23, " But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the very light in you [ your conscience ] is darkened, how dense is that darkness."
Nothing worse to have is a guilty conscience that eventually complicates our lives. With a guilty conscience, it prevents us from enjoying anything that God has for us. We get all caught up in what that person did or how that situation unfolded but never considered how God was getting our attention. Did you know that having a guilty conscience hinders our faith and worship? It actually prevents us getting closer to God because we are so focused on the wrong that was committed by someone or us to admitting we are at fault. When I was in high school, I had a really huge fight with my best friend Liz. It ended up dragging everybody in it. It was over a misunderstanding that I went and talked to our youth group leader because she was bothered by something she said. I just spoke up for her. This made her mad. I didn't really considered how she felt of me doing that. Maybe it was the fact I had the courage to stand when something was wrong. It took 3 months for her to start talking to me again. The only thing I could do was read James and God said to just apologize to her. 

Reflection ~ Examine Your Heart~

To stay in constant communication with God, we have to examine our hearts. Like with every relationship we encounter, if we learn to take responsibility for our actions,  we won't miss a beat. Talk with God today.


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