Day 65 ~ Give up Control~God is in control

Welcome to day 65 devotional reading and reflection as we continue through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." We are making our way down this mountain slowly because we have to understand these treasures that God is laying out for us to help our lives.

Day 65~ Give Up Control~

Our scripture comes from Romans 8:9, " But you are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [ Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]. But if anyone does not possess the [Holy] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His [ he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God]."
Recently, I have asked God to help me see what I need to work on in order to move through to the promise land that he has for me. God will open up your eyes. I have decided I needed to be honest with God and not hold things. I have issues that will trigger my anxiety. I have become aware of them and I will address each one. The biggest issue is control. My personality is strong type A! The reason was set when I was young when my first kindergarten teacher labeled me " mentally retarded." I developed the mindset, " I can do it to prove you wrong," and started to build a chip on my shoulders. Being a master controller is having the desire to control everything and everybody around you. We tend to feel our lives are simple because we control everything. When someone has a strong personality of control, it is masked to cover up the next issue of fear. Fear is paralyzing and we think we mastered fear because we have controlled the situation. Wrong! That's why we still have panic attacks and anxiety issues still. I have a hard time allowing other people to take charge of doing things because in my mind, shouldn't it be done first. When it is unorganized or chaos, I feel overwhelmed. Then here comes the underlying issue that we don't want to admit to, anger. Anger is the underlying fuel and Satan loves it. It is the final straw and it is what divides. We have to remind ourselves that everyone has a right to run their own life. They have to make mistakes and learn as well. We also have to realize that God is in control and not you. Once you realize that it is easier to let go and let God, it makes your life simple.

Reflection~ God is in Control~

Moses is our prime example. In Joshua 1:6, the Lord commanded Joshua to " Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them." Moses couldn't lead the children of Israelites because he was one of them. His fear and his anger kept him from experiencing on earth the promise land God had ready for them. Joshua was prepared to be a leader under Moses, to carry out what God needed to happen. To be a leader in our homes, churches, work, or school, we have to realize the biblical standards of leadership. Remember God is always in control, he has to lead you first before you can lead others.


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