Day 76 ~ Don't Give up~ We are More Than Conquerors

Welcome to day 76 with our devotional reading and reflection as we continue through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." Every day is a new beginning. Things come and go! But the one thing that remains is God.

Day 76 ~ Don't Give up~

Our scripture reading comes from Romans 8:37, " Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us."

It is so easy to develop a " give up" attitude with situations that happen throughout our life time. Problem with giving up, we start buying into all these "lies" that Satan starts repeating and then our thinking starts to react to those lies. The cycle begins when it starts to affect our emotions and attitudes. I am the most miserable when I am hanging around those that are always negative or want to make you feel less important because it's all about them. I am sure many of you have heard many things that people have said about you that were not true and those lies still stick around. It is a battle when we face any form of rejection or hurtful situations, like we didn't matter to that person and in reality we didn't. If they cared or loved us, why did they do what they did in the first place. Satan is the author of lies and confusion. That is his playground and we get caught up in it with our " stinking thinking mentality." We have to learn who we are in Christ and cover ourselves with His identity. We need to stop buying into Satan lies. 

Reflection ~ We are More Than Conquerors~

We have to remember that we are more than conquerors. Jesus Himself knows how it feels to be lied about and rejected. He is the perfect example of how to handle things when we have those trying situations that keeps us under. We need to renew our minds daily through reading His word and meditate on them. We need to have a stronger relationship with God to keep us on the right track. Our trials are victorious through Jesus Christ and there is no room for the " Give up " attitude.


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