Day 77 ~ Pray Ahead of Time ~ Prayer releases your Faith

Welcome to day 77 devotional reading and reflection as we continue on with our discussion through Joyce Meyer book,  " 100 Ways to Simplify your life. " God is so good! We often take things forgranted! We are approaching Thanksgiving and how often do we say thank you to our Heavenly Father!

Day 77~ Pray Ahead of Time~

Our scripture reading comes from Psalm. 88:2, " Let my prayer come before you and really enter into Your presence; incline Your ear to my cry! "

When I was growing up,  I had Italian Christian neighbors who were a huge blessing to me and my family!  I was always eating with their family and nobody could make her baked ziti. This contributed to my weight issues because Italian food is my weakness. During the summer she would have a small VBS  in her home for all the neighborhood kids until we reached our teenage years.  After each VBS,  we were going to their church to receive our certificate. God provided them during the time my grandma passed away,  times I didn't go to church and were there when my dad went over the road truck driving. But the best memory is that everytime someone would leave or eat,  there was prayer. I would often just sit there and listen! One day I asked why did they pray,  and my neighbor explained that it is a constant communication with God our father! It was us humbling ourselves to be dependent and that we trusted Him with our every need!  One day I was allowed to pray and afterwards I knew it was more than a ritual that we teach kids today. 

Reflection ~ Prayer Releases Your Faith~

Prayer is a constant communication with God. Praying also shows reverence to God and His Glory. We are aligning our hearts to His will for our lives! If we pray daily,  we will have a more peaceful life! 


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