Day 72~ Solitude~Renew Spring that Never Dry Up

Welcome to day 72 as we continue with our devotional reading and reflection based on our discussion of Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to Simplify Your Life." Throughout these 72 days of devotions, I have been telling you how important it is to have a personal relationship with God daily. I am going to express the importance even more.

Day 72 ~ Solitude~

Our scripture is from Isaiah 32:18, " My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, in safe dwellings, and in quiet resting-places."

The reason why so many times we are overwhelmed or stressed out is that we aren't taking the time for ourselves. It is important to spend some quiet time just to sit and breathe. This allows you mind to shut down and emotions to level out. This is where you will find everlasting peace. I love the water. I grew up in Upstate New York. Every summer we went camping to the 1000 Islands and Clayton NY just off of the St. Lawrence River. My great Aunt and Uncle lived right off the St. Lawrence and I would walk to the docks. I would just sit there watching to water. It was quiet and I always felt at peace there. I cannot go visit and it is hard to find that spot of peace. I feel alive getting there and my soul in restored. I miss it! Summers were spent camping and being without any form of life. Just nature. Now, I feel rushed because things are constantly going off. We carry our phones with us that we can have entertainment whenever it is available. Television in every room is turned on. Tablets with games and Facebook. Constant overload. We say we are relaxing but in reality our eyes are always busy. With Solitude, we can find joy and to finish the task at hand. Recently, God allowed this song to overflow my soul. Hillsong " Oceans." 

Reflection~ Renew Springs that Never Dry Up~

If we practice daily to sit quietly with God, he speaks to our soul. This is the precious time he likes to spend with his children. He guides and directs your day to keep you on the path to where he needs you to go. Get up a few minutes early and enjoy the morning sunrise before starting the day. Drink your favorite drink, read your bible and write down any thoughts that come to your heart. Lay your heart down in his hands. He loves you so much. He's waiting for you to come to him for rest! Only He can restore dry places in your soul. He is our Living Water. Oceans deep!!!


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