
Showing posts from September, 2016

Faith Can Move Mountains: Day 41~ Be Efficient with Your Time~ God's Will or...

Faith Can Move Mountains: Day 41~ Be Efficient with Your Time~ God's Will or... : Welcome to day 41!! God is so good! I have enjoyed learning more and more about the God I serve. These last few weeks have allowed me to g...

Day 41~ Be Efficient with Your Time~ God's Will or My Agenda~

Welcome to day 41!! God is so good! I have enjoyed learning more and more about the God I serve. These last few weeks have allowed me to grow deeper in my faith. We are continuing our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." Day 41~ Be Efficient with Your Time~ Our scripture reading comes from Colossians 4:5, " Behave yourselves wisely [ living prudently and with discretion] in your relations with those of the outside world (non-Christians), making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity." To make our life easy, we should consider how we use our time. I am sure we all have heard this saying, " time is money." When we are wasting time on things that we don't really need to do, we are wasting God's precious gift. He has given us new mercies every morning but we are stuck in what happened yesterday. God gives us time to learn how to manage things and to develop relationships ...

Day 40 ~ Choosing Whose in Your Circle~ Friend of God

Welcome to day 40 devotional reading and reflection through our discuss of Joyce Meyer's book, "100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." We have noticed throughout this book a lot of themes that interlock with each other and there is a reason for it. God is personal therefore our lives our personal. God has boundaries in what is acceptable to be close to him. We need to be careful of what we accept for those in our circles to be close to us. Day 40 ~ Choosing Whose In Your Circle~ Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 22:24, " Make no friendships with a man given to anger, and with a wrathful man do not associate." Another way we sometimes complicate our lives is by the company we keep. Yes it is stated that we need to be a friend to all and be kind to all those who we meet. The issue lies with those that we allow to take our time that already have a complicated life. If you spend most of your time with those who are negative, angry, or rude, you will soo...

Day 39 ~ Avoid Excessive Reasoning ~ Master Reasoner~

Welcome to day 39 in our devotional reading and reflection through our discussion on Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." We are going to take a deeper look into Reasoning. Reasoning can be either good or bad, but we have to remember that God does want us to make wise decisions. He also warns us not to always try to figure him out because He is the God who knows all things. Day 39~ Avoid Excessive Reasoning~ Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 3:5, " Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding." How many of us like to be the problem solver or the one who needs to know all the details of something? I am that person more than I realized! Let's breakdown some definitions like excessive is going beyond what is usual, normal, or proper. The definition behind reasoning is the act or process of drawing conclusions form facts or evidence. W...

Day 38~ Don't Worry About Your Children~ Teaching your Children~ We are all God's Children

Welcome to day 38 with our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." The biggest thing that we worry about is our children. I don't have any children of my own, but I feel I am still responsible for all the children I meet. It is so important to realize how special each one is. We are going to look deeper in how not to worry so much over our children that are placed into our lives. Day 38 ~ Don't Worry About Your Children~ Our scripture reading is from Matthew 6:27, " And who of you by worrying and being anxious can add one unit of measure (cubit) to his stature or to the span of his life?" Worrying is like a rocking chair that keeps rocking but you aren't going nowhere. I am not a parent but I have babysat, raised nieces and nephews, and was a daycare teacher for 20 years. It is hard sometimes not to worry about them. My nieces and nephews are my heart ! I would do anything for them. They are back here in N...

Day 37 ~ Stop Doing Things You Don't Do Well~Identify Your Purpose~

Welcome to day 37 as we continue our discussion through our reading of Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to simplify your life." I pray that each one of you are enjoying this journey with me and that you were able to grow deeper with God in your faith. Day 37~ Stop Doing Things You Don't Do Well~ Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 3:6, " In all your ways, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths." So many of us struggle in our jobs and our life because we are not focusing on what we are good at. We are just filling in a space for work to receive a paycheck or we are doing things because we were raised to do certain things. Some of us, if we had to sit down and list what are strengths and weaknesses are, couldn't list them. The last four years throughout my college experience, I soon began to understand my strengths and identify my weaknesses. If my comrades where in this room they can list t...

Day 36~Be positive ~ An Attitude of Faith

Welcome to day 36 devotional and reflection based on our reading through Joyce Meyer's book " 100 ways to simplify your life. "  I pray that God has made His presence known to you in a special way! Day 36 ~ Be Positive ~ Our scripture reading comes from Ephesians 4: 23, " And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having  a fresh mental and spiritual attitude ]." With so much going on in our world,  being positive is not easily found nor is it encouraged! Throughout the last few days we have seen what negative feelings can do and we have seen how being positive in the mist of a stressful situation can be more beneficial! You want to make a change,  it has to start with you first,  then those around you and soon it catches on! The reporters are stressing how the atmosphere felt as they walked the path with protesters, they felt things were peaceful compared to nights before of heaviness of grief! Let's bring it to another personal perspe...

Day 35 ~ Keep Strife out of your Life~ Don't be Foolish~

Welcome to day 35 devotional and reflection reading through our discussion of Joyce Meyer's book , " 100 ways to simplify your life." There is great sadness in how things played out in Charlotte, NC the last few days. Our common sense from bystanders, protesters, and city officials is not present. What we saw unfold in Charlotte could have been avoided easily. Yes I understand that someone was killed, but we don't know the full details of what actually happened. God is not pleased! Day 35~ Keep the Strife out of Your Life~ Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 20:3, " It is an honor for a man to cease from strife and keep aloof from it, but every fool will quarrel." We are so easily offended by everything and it is okay not to agree with everything, but it how we are handling these disagreements. I don't know about you, I cannot stand senseless drama and bickering. With families and friends, we will have it because of changes in life or si...

Day ~ 34~ Don't Be Afraid of What Other's Think~ God is Our Defender~

Welcome to day 34 devotion and reflection while continuing our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." In last 34 days we have discussed different topics that we can easily see where God wants us to be free in our life. We take on too much stuff thinking that's what Christians are supposed to do! Day 34 ~ Don't Be Afraid of What Other's Think~ Our scripture reading comes from Mark 4:19, " Then the cares and anxieties of the world and distractions of the age, and the pleasure and delight and false glamour and deceitfulness of riches, and the craving and passionate desire for other things creep in and choke and suffocate the Word, and it becomes fruitless." I have to admit that I have issues with overthinking and over analyzing situations that it causes more complications in my life than it needs to be.There are times I was too afraid to speak because I thought I was dumb. I felt that people thought I was st...

Day 33~ Follow Your Heart~Your Inner Compass

Welcome to day 33 devotional reading and reflection as we continue our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." We are looking at following your heart in things that we know God is leading us to do in our lives. Once we have stepped out in faith, courage to move forward we will have the enemy attack us. We will discuss it more throughout this devotion. Day 33~ Follow Your Heart~ Our scripture reading comes from Ephesians 3:12, " In whom, because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) of free access (an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear)." Another reason our lives get so complicated, we forget our goal and we get off course easily either by discouragement or situations in lives. God has a purpose for us all to achieve but we can get side tracked to what the world thinks we need to do. It is popular for people to use dating sites to try to meet someone. Granted i...

Day 32 ~ Refuse to Live in Fear~ Faith Vs. Fear~

Welcome to day 32 as we continue our discussion with Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify your Life." We are almost halfway through our study and I am excited. Today's discussion is Facing your Fears! Day 32 ~ Refuse to Live in Fear~ Our scripture reading is from Psalm 27:1, " The Lord is my Light and my Salvation- whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid?" Fear is a feeling that paralyzes us from reaching our purpose and destiny that God has for us. Anxiety about the " unknown," puts your mind in places that is a stronghold for Satan to play his mind games. Yes Satan's Playground! We fall into this trap very easy! " Courage is not the absence of fear, but it is taking action in the presence of fear." (Meyers, 2007). Currently, the fear of not finding my way to the Main campus for graduation breakfast caused anxiety and the fear of the "unknown" h...

Day 31 ~ Don't Receive Condemnation~ There is Freedom in Jesus

Welcome to day 31 devotional and reflection as we continue our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, "100 Ways to Simplify your Life." We  are almost half way through! If you are just joining us, we are excited to share God's love with you. If you are a faithful follower, thank you and I pray that with each day you are being blessed. I pray that each one is developing their personal relationship with God. Day 31~ Don't Receive Condemnation~ Our scripture reading comes from Romans 8:1, " Therefore, [this is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit." According to Webster dictionary, condemnation means a strong disapproval or criticism. The action of condemning someone to a punishment. Conviction on the other hand means, the act of proving that a person is guilty of a crime in a court of law; a strong beli...

Day 30 ~ Be a God Pleaser~You can miss fulfilling your God-ordained destiny!

Welcome to day 30 devotional reading and reflection with our continuing to discuss Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." Are you a Man-Pleaser or a God-pleaser? That is our discussion for today! Day 30~ Be a God Pleaser~ Our scripture reading comes from Galatians 1:10, " Now am I trying to win the favor of men, or of God? Do I seek to please men? If I were still seeking popularity with men, I should not be a bond servant of Christ (the Messiah)." I know this isn't a new subject but it is important to lay it out there. Another reason why we may feel overwhelmed or distracted in our life, is by how we fill our days. Is it for God or is it for man? Granted we have responsibilities for our families, but when is it too much. Even though sometimes our activities regarding church is overwhelming. Our we trying to be popular with people or standing out for God. Are we allowing people's influences to keep us busy rather than stepping ...

Day 29~ Think Before you Speak~ Taming the Tongue

Welcome to day 29 with our daily devotional and reflection as we continue to discuss Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." There has been a lot covered in a few days and I will recap for those who are just joining our discussion. Day 29~ Think Before You Speak~ Our scripture reading is coming from Proverbs 13:3, " He who guards his mouth keeps his life, but he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin." Throughout the bible, God tells us numerous times to watch our mouths. My pastor is starting a new series titles Speech Therapy. It's not learning how to pronounce words effectively and learning to say letters correctly. This is more of spiritual check-up for Christians. our tongue can create a huge mess in our lives. I grew up not to speak at certain times and as I have grown up, I learned to speak my mind but at times I have to retract what I'm going to say and check in with God. I was young working in a factory with a bunch of m...

Day 28~ Be more Decisive~ This is the way~

Welcome to day 28 devotional reading and reflection as we continue our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." For many people decisions are difficult to make because of the fear of it being wrong. I am grateful for God being there through all my decisions rather good or bad. Day 28 ~ Be More Decisive~ Our scripture reading comes from Romans 12:1, " I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy ( devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable ( rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship." According to Webster's Dictionary, decisive means to settle an issue; producing a definite result. Of one having the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively. If you are the type of person who over analyze things too much, you c...

Day 27~ Don't Judge Something You Don't Know~ Casting the First Stone

Welcome to day 27 devotional and reflection as we continue reading through Joyce Meyer's book, "100 ways to simplify your life." So many times we get caught up in other peoples' drama that we loose focus of who God really needs us to be. You know my name but don't know my story! This last few weeks is me telling you my story but the best part is telling you about the God I serve! The God who showed me what TRUE LOVE is! Standards to follow for my life and to understand his grace and mercy. To tell you HE IS REAL! and HE MEANS BUSINESS! Day 27 ~ Don't Judge Something You Don't Know Our scripture reading comes from James 4:11," [My] brethren, do not speak evil about or accuse one another. He that maligns a brother or judges his brother is maligning and criticizing the Law and judging the Law. But if you judge the Law, you are not a practicer of the Law but a censor and judge [of it]." To Tell You My Story~ Is To Tell of Him~ " If...

Day~26~ Be Merciful~ Entertaining Strangers

Welcome to day 26 devotional and reflection from our discussion on Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to simplify your life." God is so good and merciful to us even when we don't deserve it. That's our discussion today! Day 26~ Be Merciful~ Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 11:17, " The merciful, kind, and generous man benefits himself [for his deeds return to bless him], but he who is cruel and callous [to the wants of others] brings on himself retribution." God is so merciful to us when we don't deserve it because he loves us! As we go about our journey, we don't always show that kind of mercy to other people. I know I have failed numerous times. There were times I know I can be rigid and possibly hard-hearted especially in certain situations. It is hard to have an open mind when things you were taught as child was wrong in the "church" eye and you try to live your life accordingly to the best way possible for yourself....

Day 25~ Minding Your Own Business~ Keeping your lips sealed~

Good Morning! It is another beautiful day in the LORD! No matter how you feel when you woke up, let God know you love him. It will get your feet heading in the right direction. We are continuing our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." Day 25~Mind Your Own Business~ Our scripture reading comes from 1 Thessalonians 4: 11, " and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you..." Social Media Meltdown Oh Boy! Lord Help me! The bible is our instructional manual for life including about minding our own business. Ever had that one person in the room expressing their opinion about everything! Whistling here.......This is a problem that I have to learn to step back and allow other people to answer and listening carefully to what they are saying! This is where I OVER ANALYZE and OVER REACT! The hardest part is now we have this thing called SOCI...

Day 24~ Forgiveness Releases Your Blessings~ Learning to Let Go!

Welcome again on this beautiful day in the Lord. I know September is known as new beginnings! Kids start back to school and the season is changing over to fall! This is the time many people start to think through the whole year being thankful and looking for renewal. With our journey  with God we have that everyday! It is one of God's Promises that we read in Lamentations 3: 22-23," Because of the LORD'S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Day 24~ Forgiveness Releases Your Blessings Our scripture reading comes from Matthew 6:14, "For if you forgive people their trespasses [ their reckless and willfulness, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], your heavenly father will also forgive you." Forgiving those that have hurt you is not something that is easy to do but holding on to it can destroy and complicate your life more. When you have been hu...

Day 23~ The Battle Belongs to the Lord~ waiting on God~ Our battle cry

Good afternoon! Isn't God is good! We have come a long ways in our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." Day 22~ The Battle Belongs to the Lord~ Our scripture reading comes from 2 Chronicles 20:17, " You shall not need to fight in this battle; take your positions, stand still, and see the deliverance of the Lord [who is] with you, O Judah and Jerusalem." Wow! Take a moment and let that verse sink deep into your heart. Matter fact, find a note card and write this one down. Life throws us lemons, we just need to learn how to handle them. So many times we try to fight every battle that we come into contact with only to find ourselves getting discouraged, disappointed, overwhelmed, and we can easily mess it up. If we look at 2 Chronicles 20: 17-22, God gives Jehoshaphat"...You will not have to fight this battle." We can break it down into three simple steps. Jot this down! Step 1. Seek the Lord f...

Day 22~ Define Personal Priorities~ Making wise decisions!!! God is Good.

Welcome to day 22 devotional reading and reflection through our continual reading through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." This was an interesting and a very difficult devotion to ponder on. Thinking about our personal priorities. We are all different and carry different responsibilities. Day 22 ~ Define Personal Priorities~ Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 8:2-3," On the top of the heights beside the way, where the paths meet, stands Wisdom [skillful and godly]; At the gates at the entrance of the town, at the coming in at the doors she, cries out." Making Wise Decisions Take a moment and we read that verse. Let those words sink deep into your heart. Through our journey, we will all face decisions, and many times we can find ourselves into trouble for making decisions emotionally or based on our understanding of what we think or want. A lot of our stresses can be avoided if we took the time to think through decisions. G...