Day 19~ Know yourself ~ By knowing God!

Welcome to our devotional reading and reflection through our continual reading through Joyce Meyer's book,"100 ways to simplify your life."

Day 19~ Know Yourself~ By Knowing God

Our scripture reading comes from John 13:3," Jesus, knowing (fully aware) that the Father had put everything into His hands, and that He had come from God and was [now] returning to God."

Not many people know who they are. You can find them easily lost in positions in churches, work and school. Some are doing thing they have not been called to do nor equipped to do. Sometimes we allow people to dictate what we should be doing to fulfill their desire or benefit. We place ourselves in positions that overwhelm us and we wonder why we are stressed all the time. With children we sign them up for little league to give them an ability to do something. I remember my first time signing up for little league baseball. I loved sports and I can hit a ball over the field line any day but not particularly in a real game setting. I realized my limitation of sports is really fun to watch on the couch in front of the TV. I grew up babysitting kids from 12 years old all the way through high school. I volunteered for VBS, sunday school teacher, and AWANA leader. I thought I was called to be a teacher and I loved working with children.I spent 6 weeks in Fairmont West Virginia working for my uncle at Union Mission where he was a pastor. I was there to help coordinate VBS for local children in the area. I went house to house with the Children's Director talking to people in rough parts of WVA. We had a limited time to get notices out for VBS for the following week at the local town hall. We had no clue as to how many children would be there Monday morning. We pulled in and there was at least 60 children waiting. I only had a few days to prepare projects and lesson plans for the 2's and 3's. I had 10 of them by myself. I had to keep them occupied and I was worn out. I went back to my aunt's house and begged my cousin to come with me for the rest of the week to help.  By the end of the week we had 12 toddlers and our attendance for that week was 80 kids. It is important to know your limitations and know what you can handle. There is nothing wrong with getting help and allowing other people to step in. Don't pressure yourself in trying to be gifted in every area of ministry because you will burn out and miss the real blessing of having the ones God has called to do that task. Be true to yourself. Our inabilities don't disqualify us.

Reflection~ Knowing God is knowing yourself

In our scripture reading, Jesus was washing His disciples feet. Jesus was teaching them humility. Jesus knew who He was, where He came from, and where He was going. Most importantly, he knew why He was sent. Jesus was secure. Many people put their security in their positions and titles. This provides false security. Your value and worth should be in Christ. Say ," I am a child of a Risen King!" That's the only title or position you need to feel secure in knowing who you are.


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