Day 30 ~ Be a God Pleaser~You can miss fulfilling your God-ordained destiny!

Welcome to day 30 devotional reading and reflection with our continuing to discuss Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." Are you a Man-Pleaser or a God-pleaser? That is our discussion for today!

Day 30~ Be a God Pleaser~

Our scripture reading comes from Galatians 1:10, " Now am I trying to win the favor of men, or of God? Do I seek to please men? If I were still seeking popularity with men, I should not be a bond servant of Christ (the Messiah)."

I know this isn't a new subject but it is important to lay it out there. Another reason why we may feel overwhelmed or distracted in our life, is by how we fill our days. Is it for God or is it for man? Granted we have responsibilities for our families, but when is it too much. Even though sometimes our activities regarding church is overwhelming. Our we trying to be popular with people or standing out for God. Are we allowing people's influences to keep us busy rather than stepping out to do what God has called us to do something.

 I love being an aunt. I have 4 nieces and nephews plus on great nephew. They are my heart! I was there to help raise them and saw them through things in their lives. Now we have another generation and he is precious! He calls for me at 4 months old Aunt enen! I want to do everything for them but my life is changing and it's hard to set up boundaries. I cannot do what they always thought I would do with graduation and changes in my life. I know one day they will understand that they sometimes have to figure things out for themselves rather I agree or not. I love them like my own! Right now I am the mean Auntie because I won't do what they want me to do for them. I have to stand my ground. The last few years, God showed me that if it ain't producing fruit, to let it go! There have been times I that realized I was trying to please man or allowing the enemy to make me feel guilty because I'm not being active enough. My life is changing and my priorities are being rearranged.

Reflection~You can miss fulfilling your God -ordained destiny~

Many people do not understand that there is a difference between destiny and purpose when we are discussing God. Your destiny is your ultimate election. Your purpose is your present calling in your life.
 Destiny is answering these questions:
1) What did God choose you to do ultimately on this earth?
2) What is your ultimate election?
3) What were you elected to do before you were born?

Purpose is answering this one question What is my purpose? Your purpose is whatever you are called to do right now at this moment.

 King David was a shepherd boy playing his harp, singing songs to God and killing bears and lions with his slingshot. The prophet Samuel came to him and said, " You are anointed to be the king of Israel." At that very moment David's destiny was released. That's same for us but it hasn't been unlocked yet. We have a destiny within ourselves that we don't even know yet that we were elected to do long before we were born. Once you begin to build your relationship with God, the Holy Spirit releases things within your spirit to guide you to your destiny and will soon feel it inside.Will it happen immediately ? No ! It took King David years before he was even crowned king. God was preparing him for it though!

What are You Called to Do Right Now?

What is your call? What is your purpose? What are you called to do right now? David was called to be an armor bearer and psalmist-musician for King Saul. Your purpose is always temporary because things in your life changes. Whatever you are doing now is for a season because God is leading you to your destiny. But if you are too busy pleasing people, you are missing out on your calling and may never reach your destiny.


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