Day 37 ~ Stop Doing Things You Don't Do Well~Identify Your Purpose~

Welcome to day 37 as we continue our discussion through our reading of Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to simplify your life." I pray that each one of you are enjoying this journey with me and that you were able to grow deeper with God in your faith.

Day 37~ Stop Doing Things You Don't Do Well~

Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 3:6, " In all your ways, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths."

So many of us struggle in our jobs and our life because we are not focusing on what we are good at. We are just filling in a space for work to receive a paycheck or we are doing things because we were raised to do certain things. Some of us, if we had to sit down and list what are strengths and weaknesses are, couldn't list them. The last four years throughout my college experience, I soon began to understand my strengths and identify my weaknesses. If my comrades where in this room they can list them faster than I could myself. My strength they would say is that, I know how to organize things from beginning to end. I have it in my mind therefore I will complete it. My weaknesses is that I second guess myself. God created us to accomplish something in our life time. He has already installed in us and some of us are barely scratching the surface! I remember wanting to play baseball. I played as child and I truly love sports. The only sport I don't really care for is golf. I remember signing up for little league baseball. I was excited to hit that ball out of the park but when I came face to face with it, the ball never left the field. I realize that was not my calling! I tried and I failed. I love Avon! I love the products and basically it was a hobby. Selling it wasn't easy. I am the worst at recruiting! Don't know why! But what I enjoyed was doing the sales meetings and doing displays. I was good at that. I was good at talking to people and reaching goals for the district in sales by encouraging other representatives to reach for the stars. Proved that with being #1 in the district as District Assistant! Here is the problem! We sometimes get stuck in the position we are not good at and are afraid to admit it. Many of us try to be Betty Crocker but many of us can do better by going to the store and buying something!

Reflection~ Identifying Your Purpose~

God has given each one of us different talents and gifts to be used daily to reach others for the Kingdom of God. There are things He wants us to accomplish in our lifetime. Just because one may not sing very well doesn't mean that they cannot participate in other forms of music. Maybe they do better at playing an instrument or working sound board. It is not limited but we limit God! 


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