Day 29~ Think Before you Speak~ Taming the Tongue

Welcome to day 29 with our daily devotional and reflection as we continue to discuss Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." There has been a lot covered in a few days and I will recap for those who are just joining our discussion.

Day 29~ Think Before You Speak~

Our scripture reading is coming from Proverbs 13:3, " He who guards his mouth keeps his life, but he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin."
Throughout the bible, God tells us numerous times to watch our mouths. My pastor is starting a new series titles Speech Therapy. It's not learning how to pronounce words effectively and learning to say letters correctly. This is more of spiritual check-up for Christians. our tongue can create a huge mess in our lives. I grew up not to speak at certain times and as I have grown up, I learned to speak my mind but at times I have to retract what I'm going to say and check in with God. I was young working in a factory with a bunch of men doing jobs that many women would not do. I was a janitor. I know how to strip and wax floors to fully cleaning carpets. I know how to drive and handle a forklift. I used tools that most people have no idea why it's there. I have scrubbed toilets to walls of over 300 bathrooms and scrubbed them on my knees. I had to prove myself that not only was a woman but I could keep up with the men. This one particular day, I was loading pallets and one of the guys on the floor mouthed off that I wouldn't be able to swing that pallet onto the lift. I ended up throwing it 6 ft across the room onto the lift. After that day, he was my sidekick! Every time I walked into his department, he would say, " Here she comes, better duck!" I had a mouth on me! I cussed like a sailor or worse! Not the way I was raised either. One day, I got furious with stuff period and I went off! didn't care who heard me and I was written up for it. 

Reflection~Tame the Tongue

If we dig deeper into God's word, we find in James 3: 1-12 instruction in how to control our tongue and speech. If we read verses 1-5 it warns us about how our speech shapes the direction we are heading. If we keep speaking negative about things in our lives, that's what we are going to attract into our lives. When we speak positive into our situations, we can see God work. If you speak negative against the sickness you maybe suffering from, it will continue to destroy you. If we keep reading through verses 5-6, our speech can easily destroy yourself or another person. If we keep telling people that they are worthless, they will feel worthless. If we tell them that a capable of so much more, they will gravitate more in the positive way. There are times we have to tell them the truth and many will not accept it. I have issues with people coming in late and always leaving early in school. They want you to do their work. I had a hard time keeping my mouth shut but I had one blow out on that person. We argued but I let it be after that and walked away telling him that he could do better. He did and I also had to mindful of his current situation. In verses 7-8, our speech uncontrollable without divine power will destroy. We ask for them to forgive us but our words are something that will never forget. With the last verses 9-12, the words we speak truly reveals our true heart about that particular situation. This is a lot to comprehend. God is love and in order to show his true love we have to watch the words that are leaving our lips!


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