Day 28~ Be more Decisive~ This is the way~

Welcome to day 28 devotional reading and reflection as we continue our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." For many people decisions are difficult to make because of the fear of it being wrong. I am grateful for God being there through all my decisions rather good or bad.

Day 28 ~ Be More Decisive~

Our scripture reading comes from Romans 12:1, " I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy ( devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable ( rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship."

According to Webster's Dictionary, decisive means to settle an issue; producing a definite result. Of one having the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively. If you are the type of person who over analyze things too much, you can find yourself feeling miserable. I am that type of person! I have learned different ways to make decisions effectively over the years based on different situations of being in a leadership role. When I decided to go to school, I thought I was out of my mind. I analyze it to death until one morning, God said to go to school. I was reading my emails and University of Phoenix was in my email from work (Avon). I thought it was a scam at first. So I called the number and talked to someone about Business and management program. They told me that they have a campus in Charlotte that I would be able to talk to an academic adviser. I pleaded about doing it online but they insisted that campus would be more beneficial. Then I panicked about driving to Charlotte and the fear of the "Unknown." So I went to my appointment and the next fear was financial aid because I wasn't able to get it when I was in high school due to my dad's income even if I was living on my own. I was approved for financial aid. Then in my mind, I was analyzing why school and I was already being put in the system to start by January 10th, 2012. I went to school on campus for four years and met awesome people that helped me along the way. In a few weeks, I will be walking across the stage with my crew to receive my Bachelors Degree in Business and Management.

Reflection~ This is the way~

God has only one gear and that is forward. By this time we have seen enough scriptures to help us to pray, seek wisdom, and then decide. God tells us to make wise decisions. King Solomon is an example of someone who had the ability to make wise decisions but he allowed other people to influence his decisions that led to destruction a few times. It is important to learn to act fast and effectively with decisions. Some decisions will require more time to think through and some you just have to jump. We have to learn to make better decisions and to fully trust God to cover us when we make a mistake but this doesn't give us permission to do what we want without consulting God. Remember that all decisions, rather good or bad follows consequences. Here is a simple guide in making effective decisions.
1) Pray for guidance. Get God's perspective on the issue. (Proverbs 28:26).
2) Get the facts. Find out everything you can before you make a decision. (Proverbs 13:16).
3) Ask for advice. (Proverbs 24:6b).
4) Calculate the cost. Every decision has a price tag; it will cost you time, money, energy, reputation, talents, and resources. (Proverbs 20:25).
5) Prepare for problems. (Proverbs 22:3).
6). Face your Fears. Perfectionism paralyzes potential.( Ecclesiastes 11:4).


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