Day 36~Be positive ~ An Attitude of Faith

Welcome to day 36 devotional and reflection based on our reading through Joyce Meyer's book " 100 ways to simplify your life. "  I pray that God has made His presence known to you in a special way!

Day 36 ~ Be Positive ~

Our scripture reading comes from Ephesians 4: 23, " And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having  a fresh mental and spiritual attitude ]."

With so much going on in our world,  being positive is not easily found nor is it encouraged! Throughout the last few days we have seen what negative feelings can do and we have seen how being positive in the mist of a stressful situation can be more beneficial! You want to make a change,  it has to start with you first,  then those around you and soon it catches on! The reporters are stressing how the atmosphere felt as they walked the path with protesters, they felt things were peaceful compared to nights before of heaviness of grief! Let's bring it to another personal perspective! Our spiritual lives get like that and we aren't protesting against the real enemy behind the scenes! Many of us don't understand that we have the weapons and tools to fight this battle within ourselves! It's called the armour of God! (Ephesians 6: 10 -19). Belt of truth ~ fully believing in God's promises to you! Breastplate of Righteousness ~ guarding your heart! Your heart is the centerpiece of your soul. Gospel of peace (shoes) ~sharing God's love with one another.  Shield of faith ~ faith is the key that unlocks God in our lives and situations! Helmet of salvation ~casting down anything above the knowledge of God. Sword of the Spirit ~ God's word. Read it everyday! Meditate on the words you read and speak them into life of your situation! But the only way all these pieces of armor is going to work is through your prayer life with God.  Developing your relationship with Christ! Communication! 

 Reflection ~An Attitude of Faith

Our relationship with God is the most important relationship to have! He knows all things and is in control! When we face stressful situations before we react,  we need to pull back the curtain and identify the enemy,  Satan himself! If the feeling of hatred and fear are present,  it isn't God! Read 1 John 4: 18, " There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,  because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. "
Love is God! We need to show love to others! 


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