Day 41~ Be Efficient with Your Time~ God's Will or My Agenda~

Welcome to day 41!! God is so good! I have enjoyed learning more and more about the God I serve. These last few weeks have allowed me to grow deeper in my faith. We are continuing our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life."

Day 41~ Be Efficient with Your Time~

Our scripture reading comes from Colossians 4:5, " Behave yourselves wisely [ living prudently and with discretion] in your relations with those of the outside world (non-Christians), making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity."

To make our life easy, we should consider how we use our time. I am sure we all have heard this saying, " time is money." When we are wasting time on things that we don't really need to do, we are wasting God's precious gift. He has given us new mercies every morning but we are stuck in what happened yesterday. God gives us time to learn how to manage things and to develop relationships with those around us. I am getting ready to graduate from college with my Bachelor's Degree in Business and Management. The biggest thing was learning how to use my time wisely. I had so much time for homework that even it felt like I was barely making it through especially with presentations. Then you throw in team assignments that you have to work with a group of 4-5 people. The greatest thing was that God kept us pretty much in the same group of people. The hardest part was every now and then God threw in some new people to throw us off. Many never made it again and some caught on! I have a huge family of classmates! I was never one to be late or miss class. It drives me crazy when I cannot get to where I need to be on time especially if my body is slower than it needs to be or if you have to wait on everybody else to move. Since I pretty much take care of things for my parents, I have learned to plan errands around time to do it all in one shot! If I go to the gym, I will either get groceries or pick medicines in that area. This makes it easier! Every now and then, dad will throw us off by calling in a prescription last minute! Without fail! Since I work from home, I have to set so much time aside to do reports that are needed and to make phone calls. It is hard to make sure that family and friends understand that it what gets me paid. I also have to consider time when I had my business. You have to pick up orders, leave books regularly, and be on the move. To keep all things moving, I have a planner that tracked weeks of school, district meetings, DA calls, appointments, and events. I make a memo on my desk or phone. Cross off as I go! What gets done gets done for that day and I move on to the next.

Reflection~God's Will or My Agenda

Sometimes we get so busy filling our days for everyone else that we don't schedule time for the most important thing. Our relationship with God! Many people say they cannot find the time. If you are doing too much, and you are running thin with energy, that is God getting your attention. I have time before I start working in my office. I get my cup of coffee and I pull out my bible, devotional, and note book. It hasn't always been like that, I had to learn it by letting things go first. Is it my agenda or am I doing God's will? 


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