Day 40 ~ Choosing Whose in Your Circle~ Friend of God

Welcome to day 40 devotional reading and reflection through our discuss of Joyce Meyer's book, "100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." We have noticed throughout this book a lot of themes that interlock with each other and there is a reason for it. God is personal therefore our lives our personal. God has boundaries in what is acceptable to be close to him. We need to be careful of what we accept for those in our circles to be close to us.

Day 40 ~ Choosing Whose In Your Circle~

Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 22:24, " Make no friendships with a man given to anger, and with a wrathful man do not associate."
Another way we sometimes complicate our lives is by the company we keep. Yes it is stated that we need to be a friend to all and be kind to all those who we meet. The issue lies with those that we allow to take our time that already have a complicated life. If you spend most of your time with those who are negative, angry, or rude, you will soon find yourself acting just like them and your life will become more stressful. We all love Facebook because we can keep up with family and friends. We post things randomly just to show we are still alive! Problem is, how many of our friends on Facebook truly know us! Who can we count on with life storms just come after us? A lot of people uses Facebook as their friend where they air out dirty laundry. It is very difficult to find friends that you can share things with and find friends that will support you. It is so difficult for Christians to be able to find reliable friendships even more so. We don't want to be rude but in reality we have to reconsider every person we come in contact with. I have always been selective with who I hung out with since I was a child. I have best friends from school that I can still call upon. I have a few close friends here that I call upon them for other things. I have a few that are more considered family. I have ones that I know if I need prayer support they are available. I have experienced when I thought someone was a friend who I could trust in a church setting but learned quickly that what I shared went to everyone! I have learned not to tell that person anything again! We have to choose carefully who we want in our circle of friends. This is how marriages fail and other relationships fail because we accept everything into the pot. Example: If you were an alcoholic going out pretty regularly and one time you found God. You realized that you had a problem with drinking. You wouldn't want to hang around with the same crowd of people if you were trying to change for the better would you?

Reflection~ Friend of God~

The best friendship we can ever encounter is our relationship with God. If you have a personal relationship with Jesus as apart of your life, you got who will always be there for you. Nobody can satisfy your soul like God. At the beginning, God called Abraham, " friend." We are too his friend. God has boundaries in our relationship with him like commitment, trust, listening, helpful, peaceful, honesty, love,  not of the world standards and closer than a brother. We need to view our friendships according to God's standards. Be nice and kind to all yes, but be wise who is in your circle.


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