Day 32 ~ Refuse to Live in Fear~ Faith Vs. Fear~

Welcome to day 32 as we continue our discussion with Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify your Life." We are almost halfway through our study and I am excited. Today's discussion is Facing your Fears!

Day 32 ~ Refuse to Live in Fear~

Our scripture reading is from Psalm 27:1, " The Lord is my Light and my Salvation- whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid?"

Fear is a feeling that paralyzes us from reaching our purpose and destiny that God has for us. Anxiety about the " unknown," puts your mind in places that is a stronghold for Satan to play his mind games. Yes Satan's Playground! We fall into this trap very easy! " Courage is not the absence of fear, but it is taking action in the presence of fear." (Meyers, 2007). Currently, the fear of not finding my way to the Main campus for graduation breakfast caused anxiety and the fear of the "unknown" has caused me to rethink about not going. I don't like driving to Charlotte via highway especially with Ethel! She is good but I am not. I panicked thinking about it and told several of my classmates that I wasn't going to the breakfast. For a month, those who work closely with me have called or texted me to make sure to register and that I need to be there or be squared! So I finally registered for the graduation breakfast. Then I mapped out route via google maps and it had me going all over the map of North Carolina. " Fear" found it's way again. Then I finally pinned out exactly the route that I knew would get me there without an issue. Another " fear" crept in with having no gas to get there due to North Carolina shortage.

Reflection~ Faith Vs. Fear~

If we read God's word, we have seen time and time again how God supplied his people what they need at the time that they needed it. Especially with Moses leading the children of Israel to the promise land. If God has called you into the "unknown" part in your faith, he has everything that we need to accomplish whatever has called us to do. We may not always see it right away, but that's where we need to step out in faith. Satan uses our fears to allow us to sit back on what God has promised us. Fear kept Moses from entering the Promise Land. We will never see what God has for us if we don't move forward.


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