Day 39 ~ Avoid Excessive Reasoning ~ Master Reasoner~

Welcome to day 39 in our devotional reading and reflection through our discussion on Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life." We are going to take a deeper look into Reasoning. Reasoning can be either good or bad, but we have to remember that God does want us to make wise decisions. He also warns us not to always try to figure him out because He is the God who knows all things.

Day 39~ Avoid Excessive Reasoning~

Our scripture reading comes from Proverbs 3:5, " Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding."

How many of us like to be the problem solver or the one who needs to know all the details of something? I am that person more than I realized! Let's breakdown some definitions like excessive is going beyond what is usual, normal, or proper. The definition behind reasoning is the act or process of drawing conclusions form facts or evidence. With recent events, God had to show me what my close comrades have been saying all along! I tend to over analyze everything. Sometimes I noticed that I need to find out all the details of something before I come to peace of accepting something as is. Then there are times I go left field and find ways to solve the problem before the problem as arrived not realizing that it isn't my problem to solve in the beginning! I had plans to go to college to get a degree to get a well paying job to take care of my parents house! To pay it off! I didn't want them to be burdened in their retirement years! That was the whole plan! Then God showed something else he has planned, and it was hard to just trust him in the direction he was leading me. This has caused anxiety that could have been easily avoided. Is it really necessary for me to know and have all the answers? No, not really! We live in the world where everything we want to know about everything and anybody is easily available to know. We put it out there for everyone to see or read. I just realized that God was showing me that I am addicted to reasoning! God wants me to trust him for the answers in his time and not in mine. 

Reflection~ Master Reasoner~

If we read through Is. 55:8, " For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways  my ways, declares the LORD." God himself has warned us that we will not always know the answers to "why." God wants us to trust him more and more with our lives. God knows everything that pertains to us and he knows what is best in the right time. It is a difficult lesson to learn to wait on God's timing, learning to ask Him for His will for our lives, and letting Go of what we want. To fully trust God is the ability to know who he is and the more we trust him our faith grows more. Stop trying to figure it all out and leave it with God! He knows what you need and it is always the best!


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