Day 25~ Minding Your Own Business~ Keeping your lips sealed~

Good Morning! It is another beautiful day in the LORD! No matter how you feel when you woke up, let God know you love him. It will get your feet heading in the right direction. We are continuing our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life."

Day 25~Mind Your Own Business~

Our scripture reading comes from 1 Thessalonians 4: 11, " and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you..."

Social Media Meltdown

Oh Boy! Lord Help me! The bible is our instructional manual for life including about minding our own business. Ever had that one person in the room expressing their opinion about everything! Whistling here.......This is a problem that I have to learn to step back and allow other people to answer and listening carefully to what they are saying! This is where I OVER ANALYZE and OVER REACT! The hardest part is now we have this thing called SOCIAL MEDIA! Facebook is sometimes too much! Some people post all their dirty laundry and wonder why they don't have any peace because you just told the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! It goes beyond friends and family! It is recorded on the internet people! This is why relationships fail and why many lose their jobs! You may think you can set everything private but it is not!!!!!!!!! That is why we have HACKERS!!! A hacker can be anybody including family and friends sitting next to you! There is also software available that can trace everything from posting on any social media to text messages! Another thing is that you cannot always believe what you find on the internet. INCLUDING FACEBOOK! I have learned that many people live for Facebook gossip. I had people in my circle try to convince other people in my circle that I was sinning because I wasn't dating! Then have been accused of being a whore! Priceless there! To even being a lesbian! It is getting DEEP!!! I don't like it so I have learned not to do it to other people because it is hurtful! Calling people out is different from God convicting you! It is better to pray for them to follow God's will for their life and let it be! I'm not perfect either! I have many flaws! I just try my best to live according to God's will for my life like I pray for everyone else. God doesn't call the perfect!! He calls the imperfect! The only time we will be perfect and whole is when we are in his glory. This does not give us permission to sin either! We have to be accountable to God and to others. Admit when we are wrong and learn how to LOVE EACH OTHER NO MATTER WHAT! 

 Reflection~Keeping Your Lips Sealed

If we read Psalm 141:3, " Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips," God is telling us how to avoid added on stress. If you didn't hear it from the person yourself then it wasn't your business to know either. Prying something out of people is wrong too! There are things that are meant to be kept quiet! What's between you and your Spouse/GF/BF/ between them! You don't need to post it cause now you have announced it to everyone in the ENTIRE WORLD! SHH!!! is BANANAS!!! Always think is it TRUE? Does it have anything to do with me directly? Did it come from a liable source? God is serious about this! We become Pharisees! Let's learn to love and be quiet!  Obey God's word and learn to take care of your business first before jumping in other people's business! You will feel so much better!


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