Day 5~ 100 Ways to Simplify your Life~Life Lesson about Don't Worry about Tomorrow

Good morning! I hope that you have enjoyed this beautiful day that God has provided! With all things considered, we going to jump into our reflection/ devotion continuing from Joyce Meyer 100 Ways to Simplify your Life!

5) Don't Worry about Tomorrow~ the scripture reading comes from Matthew 6:34, " so do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble."

A quote from Corrie Ten Boom~ " Any concern to small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden."

When the Israelites where on their journey to the promise land, God provided manna for one day at a time. They were instructed to only gather enough for that day to provide for their family and not store it because it will have rotted by the next day! This was God's way of showing them how to trust God and to build their confidence in believing God. This also was showing how God keeps His promises! The biggest obstacle for me is figuring out what is the next step! I have things planned out but doesn't mean that it will happen. I am embarking on graduating from college and already my career goals have changed just because situations change. I have to remember to step back and let God be in control! I have deadlines for credits to be paid for and applied in order to graduate. I had a court date for a ticket and I ended up continuing it until October but God provided money for credits! I have a few other decisions regarding graduation but I have to breathe through on these decisions to see if it is what God wants me to do. Sometimes the answer is so simple but we over think it! Other times it is best to wait it out for God to guide your path!

Meyer, J. (2007). 100 ways to simplify your life. New York, NY. FatihWords.


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