Day 47~ Trusting God to Change People~ Change your reaction
Welcome to day 47 devotional and reflection reading as we continue our discussion with our journey through Joyce Meyer's book," 100 ways to simplify your life." Today has gone by past and this particular one was strong to fully understand how to fully handle how to trust God to change other people.
Day 47 ~ Trusting God to Change People~
Our scripture reading comes from Psalm 34:8, " O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him."
This is really a heart issue that not only regards to others but ourselves. Our relationships fail when we try to change other people to act and think like we do. This causes anxiety among your family, friends, and yourself. This is a difficult one to discuss without stepping on anyone's toes but it's time to tare back that old rug we keep sweeping things under. It is difficult dealing with a negative person all the time. You know the one who is never happy, sees faults with others, and always has a negative word. How about that one who always is trying to out do you with everything? Wants to control everything you do? Jealousy? Anger? Bitter? If we placed these words together to form a word puzzle you would have BROKEN! Broken people have layers like an onion! On the outside they have a tougher skin to protect themselves. With each layer you peel away the deeper the hurt that could bring tears to your eyes! With someone who is broken, lashes out in that pain and it is devastating to those around them. I am dealing with family members that are lashing out in their extreme pain but refuse to get to the root of their hurt so they keep hurting everyone in their path. They can become abusive physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually, verbally, and spiritually destructive. Today I pondered on how to handle this. Only few things God whispered to my heart. First I have to forgive them and know that I am not excusing their behavior. Secondly I realized that in order for God to change their heart, I have to be mindful of how I react. Thirdly, God cannot change people if they refuse to change. Finally, to pray for them according to God's will. Prayer changes you more so than the other person.
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